Chapter 15 Amanda

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What the ever living hell was he doing here. She and Devon, had made it very clear their evening was a private 'non work' affair. So where was he getting off making polite chit chat at them while they were stuck in an elevator unable to escape. Had he no morals.
"Love that restaurant." He told Devon who had politely answered as to where they were going. "That's where Ms Redford and I went the other night, wasn't it 'Mandy'?"
She couldn't help but glare at him which he just answered with a fucking massive grin.
When they reached the foyer, Luke stuck out his hand to shake Devon's. "Well it was lovely to meet you again." He said. "I am sure I will be seeing you soon." He nodded to Devon. "And I know I will be seeing you soon." He looked straight at her and gave that fucking smile again and a wink, he fucking winked. Where did he get off?
As he walked away she breathed a sigh of relief, she was sure he was going to follow them all night. But was that sigh of relief real. The sigh was real, but was the relief? Deep down she felt disappointed that he gave up so easily, even if every bone in her body knew it was ridiculous. She shook it off to concentrate on her evening with Devon.
The restaurant was the same as before, nothing fancy but the food was good.
Devon had always been good company, and she found herself laughing and enjoying herself despite the dark cloud which seemed to hang over her head
"They don't have much to offer." Devon said, taking a sip of his wine? Which they sold by the glass and not by the bottle. Devon had quipped that he thought it was because it came from a box with a plastic tap. He was probably right, but the comment had got under her skin a little, and this comment was no different.
"It's clean and the foods good." She said in the restaurant's defence, why she felt the need to defend it she didn't know.
"I guess." He replied. "Shall we get the cheque?" He asked, smiling at her in a 'I know what's coming later' kinda way.
Her stomach sank, she didn't really want to fuck Devon, but the whole point of this evening was to get to this point, so why was she thinking of any way to get out it.
"Yes sure," she replied. "I am just going to the bathroom first." She finished.
She stood and took her self down the narrow corridor which led to the toilet.
Sitting on the toilet for a while, she tried to inwardly talk her self up to the moment. 'Come on Amanda you can do this, then once it's done -it's done. Lucian will be out of her head once and for all.'
She stood, flushed and went into the main toilet, she had heard someone else come in but they were in the second cubicle. While at the sinks splashing water on her face she heard the second cubicle open. There was someone moving behind her, coming in close and that's when she felt it, it was him.
She looked in the mirror above the sink to see Lucien standing behind her. Their eyes locking in the mirror, he lent forward and whispered. "put your hand on the sink Amanda."
That low commanding voice he had used in her office was back and just like in the office she felt compelled to obey. The moment the words had left his lips the sound travelled from her ears through her body to the apex of her legs.
"Spread them Amanda, just how I like them." He commanded, and though she was screaming at herself in her own head not to listen, she did.
He put his large hands on her hips, inching up her dress bit by bit.
"Let's see Amanda if you're wearing panties for him shall we?" He whispered, his whole body pressed into hers, his breath teasing her neck.
Her heart rate kicked up a notch as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. He was barely touching her, none of him was touching naked skin, but still she felt so turned on.
By the time he got her dress up round her waste, she was panting.
"Glad to see he doesn't get the bare you." He muttered against her ear.
Her seamless panties were now exposed from under her dress.
He glided his hand in circles on her lower tummy, over the silky fabric, every now and then creeping down between her legs. Each time he did she found herself taking a deep inhale. She wanted him to touch her, she wanted her panties gone and his thick fingers inside her.
"You've been a very naughty girl Amanda," his breathy voice said. "I am just not sure how to punish you yet, but I will."
He slipped his fingers down and applied pressure on her clit, not light pressure like the feather light touches he was just making, he pushed against her clit hard. She made a small moan that she didn't mean to, she just couldn't help it, he felt so good. Not relieving the pressure he pushed small circles against her clit. She closed her eyes in pleasure.
"Open them Amanda, I want you to see who gives you this pleasure."
She didn't and he gave a short sharp slap to her clit.
Her eyes shot open, and she could see his predatory eyes staring back at her.
His fingers continued to circle pushing hard almost to the point of pain, she was shaking on her heels as she raised on her toes to alleviate the pressure. What if someone walked in? What if Devon came back here to see where she was? It was a thrill that was increasing the pulse in her pussy. It clenched on nothing as his strumming got faster. He hooked his other hand round her body, cupping her breast and weighing it in his hand.
"You drive me fucking insane Amanda, did you know that?" He said, she was pretty sure he wasn't expecting an answer.
She could feel his hardness pressed into her arse, and he was riding his body against hers, his breath was coming fast, and she knew that she was affecting him just as much as he was her. His finger got faster, pushing harder. It was uncomfortable but wasn't preventing the pressure building in her core.
He put his head in her neck, his laboured breathing sending shivers from her neck to her pulsating clit.
Goddess she was going to come, a dull ache was starting to spread all she needed was something to push her over the edge, she moaned, and the utter feral look in his eyes took her closer. " I want you needy Amanda, needy for my cock in you." Yes, yes she wanted that. She began to writhe under his hands, circling her hips onto his fingers, spreading her legs a little wider in hopes of coaxing him in.
He leant in, breath hitting her ear. "Come!" He commanded - at the exact same time he smacked her clit, and she did.
The ache which had been dull before now shattered into a million pieces, each sharp shard hurtling through her veins around her body.
"Oh shit." She groaned, grabbing the sink hard for support as her legs threatened to buckle.
Their eyes met once more. He bent down taking her skirt with him till it was exactly where he had moved it from.
She stood there panting watching him, as he turned and left, leaving her shell shocked as to what the fuck just happened.
That's twice, twice this Alpha surfaced and gave her an orgasm. Fuck how is it he has managed to completely turn her world upside down.
She was startled by a small knock on the door. "Mandy, are you ok?" Devon's voice was quiet but audible.
Her panties were absolutely soaked. Would he be able to smell her if she opened the door? She took a couple of very deep breaths. She straightened out her dress, despite it being perfect.
Looking at herself she knew she was flushed. What was she to do now.
Opening the door she answered, "I'm sorry Devon I feel very unwell. Could you just drop me back to my hotel, I don't know what's come over me."
She rushed past him holding her breath, as if her not being able to smell meant he couldn't either.
He followed her back to their table, where she grabbed her clutch.
"Mandy what's wrong my love, what's happened?" A concerned Devon asked. "You don't look well love, can I do anything?"
"No really Dev I just need to go home, I think all the travelling and living out of the hotel is taking its toll, a good night sleep will sort me." She gave him a half smile. She tried to be more sincere but the damp in her panties when she moved just had her mind elsewhere.
He nodded and guided her to the door.
Climbing in to the vehicle was torture, she was so wet, and Devon was so close, he must be able to smell her.
She felt his eyes on her the entire journey, it was making her skin crawl. All she kept thinking was the wrong breed had eyes on her, the wrong breed was with her.
He dropped her at the hotel promising to coms in the morning to check on her.
Walking into her room she didn't even take off her shoes before she was hurling her clutch bag across the room and screaming.
What was wrong with her? This breed she has slept with once, has inserted himself in to her life. Taking for granted that he could touch her, fuck her - well he can't!
How fucking dare he. She stormed across the room to the drinks cabinet and poured herself a massive whiskey, downing it in one swig. Fuck him! FUCK HIM!!!
She was just about pulled herself together when there was a knock on the door.
She stood for a moment stock still, thinking that three scenarios could be happening.
1. The hotel was burning down and this antiquated shit pile of a hotel didn't have a fire alarm.
2. Devon had decided to return to see she was ok - really ok. He quite obviously didn't buy her excuse.
3. Shit face had come to fuck with her mind again.
Were any of the reasons worth opening the door in the mood she was in?
Deciding the hotel burning and life on the line scenario may be worth a check at least, although being the most unlikely, she figured she was probably making something out of nothing anyway.
Opening the door, Lucien stood before her.
Her heart jumped into her throat, it took her a couple of seconds to realise what was happening and those seconds cost her, she went to slam the door quickly but he was quicker, sticking his foot in the door.
"Get it out Lucien." She grunted slamming the door repeatedly on his foot.
"I don't think your neighbours would be too pleased if they came to see what the racket is and I have got it out, do you baby?" He said with mirth.
Grunting through her lips she tried again, "don't be so ridiculous, you know exactly what I meant."
"Let me in Amanda, we have somethings to discuss." He muttered through the door.
"We have nothing to discuss if it's about Delta you can speak to Robinson, he is the lead here in the north now, and if it's anything else - we don't have anything else."
"I think we do!" He ground out using his weight to push the door open. Her slight weight was no where near enough to go up against a huge Alpha like him.
It wasn't long before he was inside and the door was shut behind him.
If she could lasers from her eyes this Alpha would be sliced and diced.
"Just fucking go away Lucien. I don't even know why you are here." She yelled.
"You know exactly why I am here Amanda." He replied keeping his voice calm.
What the fuck was going on? She just realised he was right in front of her, in her space, filling her senses.
Stepping back she tried to put some space between them but as she stepped back he stepped forward matching her moves step for step.
His proximity always messed with her head, his smell invaded her senses and made her dizzy.
"Enough is enough Amanda!" He growled. With that he bent down and threw her over his shoulder. When she realised he'd began walking to her bedroom she began to kick her legs and shout, though if someone held a gun to her head she would have to say it was so fucking hot. A sharp smack to the bottom, shocked her into stillness but arriving inside her bedroom she began her protests again. Dropping her to the floor, the speed at which he carried out the next few acts , left her reeling. The first thing he did was to slip her elastic red belt down round her ankles, it was prevented from falling to the floor by her red stilettos.
The second things he did was whip her dress up to her head. The dress was now up covering her head, holding her arms up above her head. He hadn't pulled it over her shoulders, so she was in a position where she couldn't move, trapped half naked by her own fucking dress.
He pushed her back, and fearing she would hit the floor, with no way to stop her self she let out a scream. However, her scream died when she hit the bed and landed on the mattress.
She felt him twisting the dress tightening her restraint, this led to more screaming and leg kicking too, even though the kicking was restricted by the fucking belt and now her fucking panties which had also been whipped down to her ankles.
Next thing he was on her!
She couldn't see him, but his weight was on the bottom part of her body so she literally couldn't kick, he was heavy, way heavier than a small omega like herself could fight off. She could feel his breath against her skin, fuck that felt good, but that wasn't the point, she hadn't wanted this - had she? His fingers drifted up her sides, leaving pimpled skin behind.
Argghh! She needed to get free, she wriggled her arms, but she was stuck in that goddess damned fucking dress. It was too far below her shoulders for her to wriggle out, but not low enough to cover anything important, she was totally exposed damn it.
She felt his breath on her tit, and then his fingers joined ghosting the surface with the faintest of pressure scooping it out of her bra just like he had done in her office. She moaned - no she mustn't moan, mustn't enjoy this. He can't keep doing this, showing up and driving her wild. She was in charge of her body not him. Then something joined his fingers it took her a moment to realise it was his stiffened tongue softly circling her nipple peaking it. She writhed below him, but honestly not even she knew whether it was an attempt to get him off or an attempt to urge him on.
She hated to admit it felt fucking good. Then his lips secured themselves around it and sucked, sucking it deep into his mouth and circling the nipple with his tongue, just like he had kissed her mouth on their first night together. It was then she realised the path of his other hand, tickling down her side and slipping between them to cup her mound, his fingers pushed hard against her folds, creating pressure against her clit. It would be so easy to move her hips and get some friction, oh how she wanted to, but that stubborn side wouldn't let her succumb to the pleasure . His fingers between her legs began to slightly wiggle, like he was playing keys on a piano, doing some kind of scale, each finger in turn pressing when their note was required. Every time his middle finger struck that note, the pressure on her clit increased, fuck that felt good, but she must not moan, she had to keep telling herself.
Releasing her wet nipple and leaving it to peak in the cool air he moved to the other and did the same, cupping her tit, with his large hands, moving his mouth over her nipple he sucked it in again, this time applying pressure with his teeth instead of rolling it with his tongue. He bit, hard enough for her to buck off the bed, she really wasn't pushing it further into his mouth, was she?
Goddess the feeling of wanting to writhe below him was overwhelming.
His middle finger changed its motion, now moving back and forth applying pressure to her clit. Mother of the goddess that felt good, it all felt good - too good.
He unlatched from her tit, and as he did so a vibrating purr came from his chest. It resonated through her body straight to between her legs. Goddess not this, her body was no longer her own as his hum echoed within her and sent slick flooding from her pussy. Shit, fuck, shit, that was it she was gone, the omega within took over and hummed right back at his music.
He seemed to be gathering the slick in his hands and smearing it all over her, down her thighs over her pussy between her arse cheeks, then she heard the slapping of lips as he licked her off his fingers, damn that was hot.
The loss of her sense of sight inflated the others, her nostrils were filled with his heady aroma, his fingers, touching her, were setting her skin alight, his purr, sent tremors through her body to her very core, and her taste? That came with his smell, she could taste him through the air, a flavour she savoured on her tongue. She was surrounded by him, he was everywhere.
He lifted himself from her body, leaving her cold and exposed, not knowing what was coming next left her sense on high alert. She jolted when he took hold of her ankles, and flipped her to her stomach, oh goddess her breasts were now crushed into the warm mattress and the softness of the sheets, rubbed against her skin. He pushed her ankles up underneath her so her arse was now in the air. She was shocked at how her omega moaned at the new position, how she wriggled herself higher presenting both pussy and arse.
He put his hand back over her pussy and collected more of the slick that flowed from there. He spread more over her, then buried his face hard against her, licking and and thrashing his tongue over her folds, he was like a ravenous animal, lapping and sucking, cleaning the slick from her, he moaned into her and goddess a shudder went through her, travelling its way through her veins to her core. Everything he did was increasing an ache inside her, an ache that wanted to break free and possess her.
His tongue rimed her back opening, sending a judder of pleasure throughout her entire body. Her pussy clutched at open air as desperation to be filled took hold.
His had replaced his face gathering more slick and dripping it down her arse crack, as it flowed down between her cheeks, she felt him edge the back opening with it, oh fuck what was he going to do, what ever it was her omega was all for it, in fact she had come to realise her omega was all for anything this massive alpha wanted to do to her tiny body.

The Outland's Alphas Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now