Chapter 5 Lucien

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He had arrived twenty minutes early to the restaurant. The old breeds had been teasing him all day about this dinner and how he was going to bag himself a mate.
He wasn't going to lie, he had found the omega absolutely stunning, but her confidence and demeanour had frightened the shit out of him.
He couldn't have an omega who was more self assured than him on his arm. He couldn't even imagine the ribbing he would get from all the breeds, young and old, at his company. Though, to be honest, most of them didn't have any female on their arm let alone a head strong omega so would they really have the right to take the piss? Hell no!
He was reading through the menu, taking a sip from his drink, when suddenly an eerie silence fell over the room. Looking up over the rim of his glass, to see what was happening - he saw her.
His throat went immediately dry and seemed incapable of swallowing the sip he had just taken down, he chocked and the sip immediately shot out his nose and tricked down his nostril back into his glass. He spluttered as the bubbles from the beer attacked his nasal passages and he grabbed a napkin to wipe his face. There was a panic rising from his chest, but despite his physical reaction he couldn't take his eyes off her. The host took her coat and he was sure there was far more physical contact in that act than there needed to be. He disappeared briefly, then reappeared and led her across the floor towards him, guiding her by his hand on her back. Was that necessary? He was sure she could walk on her own. Every eye in the room was on her and as she passed they dropped to her arse. She was a goddess in a room full of backward breeds who had no idea what they were in the presence of.
What did he do? Did he rise to greet her? Remain seated? Why was this so fucking difficult? He took some deep breaths to calm himself, gave another wipe of his chin, just to check there was no remaining dribble, and stood.
As she approached she scanned the table and raised a brow, he assumed because it was a table for two and not for five, meaning the old breeds were abstaining from tonight's meal. He hoped that pleased her after the debacle that was their first meeting. He stretched out his hand. "Good evening Miss Redford."
She took his hand and shook. "Ms!" She replied.
"Huh?" He asked confused, why was she repeating the miss? Had he said it wrongly? Surely there was only one way to say miss!
"I said Ms, I prefer to be known as Ms. I assume you have heard of that here?"
"Yes, yes of course." He stuttered. Of course he had heard of Ms, but now that left him with a dilemma, was she a Mrs and wanted to be seen as available, or was she a Miss and wanted to be seen as unavailable. He knew he shouldn't care which it was, though neither were great options, but being unavailable as a Miss was by far the better option, because at least then he could break down the wall that was Ms.
The restaurant was still silent and he was very aware of all the eyes upon them. Who could blame them, she was absolutely gorgeous and he understood even more so when she turned to ask the waiter for a glass of water, she was wearing only half of a dress, the entire back from her neck to the top of her arse was missing showing her beautiful smooth creamy skin. This only meant one thing, and he knew that all the males in this restaurant, and there were many, were thinking the exact same thing as he was - she was braless.
That meant those amazing tits he had got a glimpse of yesterday were hanging free, although from the look of them they weren't hanging at all, from the front they looked beautifully pert. This also led him (and the other males) to wonder that if she was bra less was she completely underwear less? He couldn't see a hint of a panty line. Fuuuuck. Was she sat before him commando? His dick did a happy leap in his pants at the thought, and he immediately had to sit down.
While these thoughts had been running to his dick the waiter had pulled out her chair and she was now seated opposite him.
He knew it was his turn to talk because Delta were the side that had to make amends. It was 'his' partners he had to apologise for but what the hell should he say? His mind was coming up blank, unlike his dick which was coming up plenty.
She sat there in silence and wasn't prepared to put him out of his misery. He knew from her raised eyebrows she was waiting for him to take the situation in hand (just like he would like to do to his dick right now). Fuuuuuck!
"Um, Ms Redord," he emphasised the Ms, "thank you so much for joining me this evening, I know we, as a company, have some apologies to make." He said smiling. At least he hoped he was smiling and not looking as strained as he felt. His dick was rock solid and rubbing against his pants as they fought to hold it down, which unfortunately wasn't doing him any favours as the end was receiving a lot of friction, only making the matters worse. Would she be offended if he stuck his hand down there and rearranged the fucker? He suspected that wasn't the root to take. So he leant forward, placing his elbows on the table, hoping to shift it naturally.
While this was going through his head she had said something, he knew she had, but for the life of him he had missed it. This evening was going to be way harder than he expected. So he decided to use a line he often used on his partners when he had tuned them out, because they were talking of days gone by, and he had completely missed a question put to him.
"And what are your thoughts on it?" He asked hoping it was enough.
"I would have thought that was quite obvious." She replied, looking rather stern. Whoops!
"It would have been nice if they had decided to make the apologise themselves." She continued.
"Well yes it would, but am not gonna lie Ms Redford, you frightened the shit out of them, and they thought it better if I come to smooth things over." He smiled at her, though he knew the smile was strained, because they weren't the only ones she frightened the shit out of.
Then for the first time he saw her face relax and she actually laughed. "Fair enough." She replied, seeming to warm.
He still didn't let down his guard, this woman was like a wolf on a hunt, a predator, and it could be a ploy to catch him off guard.
"So Mr Munny, I assume you are meant to be the charming one?" She said smiling.
"Murphy," he answered. " my name is Lucien Murphy, but you can call me Lucien, or Luke my friends call me Luke."
She smiled at him. "How nice. Now Mr Murphy shall we get down to business?"
Yikes, this woman was cold, for all her gorgeous exterior, that interior was icy. She remind him of one of those bombs he had seen on the cooking channel, it was a desert that had a perfect exterior then when you broke the shell chilly ice cream was inside.
"Very well Ms Redford, business it is."

The Outland's Alphas Part 1 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin