Chapter 4 Amanda

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After she got home the previous evening she had ran a bath, and asked for several kettles of hot water to make it at least bearable.
She was going to pull out all the stops the following night so a little preliminary preening wouldn't go amiss.
Her close team had tried to persuade her against going alone, more worried about her safety than how the business meeting would go.
They had started nicknaming the Delta Delivery partners breedbillies, after the first breeds that lay ownership of this planet. She didn't blame them as it did really seem as if only Midland had moved on in the world. She had been to South Outland many times, well that wasn't entirely true. There was a small prestigious resort just on the border between Midland and S.O. It's where many of the slightly more affluent breeds from Midland spent their vacation. She loved it there, it was hotter weather than Midlamd, and the resort it self was beautiful, a pool, immaculate hotel rooms.. She would travel there every couple of years when she really wanted to escape. They had wonderful spas there which she loved to frequent and really unwind. She had to admit the owner of the resort, an alpha, was a particularly good booty call, and when ever she booked, he would clear his schedule and spend time fucking her every which way from Sunday. He had asked her to quit her job, and move there, many times. But she had never wanted anything like that. He was a very giving sexual partner that was for sure, but being tied to an Alpha was not in her immediate life plan. Her plan was to become the best at what she did, and she didn't want to blow her own trumpet but she wasn't far off.
Devon, the Alpha, had often proclaimed undying love, but she wasn't green enough to think he really was in love with her. Omegas were a rare breed, and she didn't doubt for one second that having an omega on his arm would not only boost his reputation but would also give him the chance to garner a natural heir. Few breeds were conceived naturally who had an Alpha as a father. Female Alphas couldn't give birth and betas had a slightly different anatomy than Alphas or omegas - they could be artificially inseminated by an Alpha but that was it. They couldn't take an alpha's knot either. So marrying an omega was the ultimate prize for any Alpha.
She made a note to herself to book a trip there after this month was up, she was sure she would definitely be in need of a little TLC by then. Plus she wanted the resort to be a small part of this deal if things went to plan.
She had travelled out further into the S.O once or twice on business, but she was sure it wasn't as backwards as the N.O. This was her first time here and if the goddess had any say in things, the last.

She had spent most of today catching up with work, at least when she could com successfully back home. But now it was only an hour away before her meeting with the Delta company and she was of course ready in plenty of time.
She had put on a designer, black, form fitting dress, with long mesh sleeves a bare back and a very low cleavage. As always she finished it off with some stilettos, black, she liked the height they gave her. She knew she was probably well over dressed for the restaurant they were going to, but that was the point. No breed had a figure quite like an omega, their breasts were far larger than beta and alpha female's. Alpha females were attractive but their bodies were more masculine, and betas, well they were just what they were, some had medium breasts some had medium bottoms etc, but omegas, their bodies were flawless. Their skin was flawless, their hair always blonde, her's was a particular nice shade that was almost gold. Her boobs were large and firm, her waste small, and her bottom was also rounded and firm. She was what others would call extremely curvaceous, and she loved it. She wasn't going to lie, she thoroughly enjoyed the attention she received.

She had had Delaney scope out the restaurant earlier and he said it was a very "wholesome" place. N.O had probably never seen anyone quite like her. Like the old bastard had so delightfully said, most females here were barefoot and pregnant and an omega here? Almost unheard of. She was determined to make her mark on this shitty town and knew a woman dressed as she was would have all her dinner guests feeling uneasy. Making alphas squirm was a her favourite sport, especially those who treated her as a submissive. It was a role she sometimes allowed in the bedroom but most of the time everywhere in her life, she was in charge.
She had learnt her lesson quickly here and had ordered the car for much earlier than she actually wanted it. She wasn't going to be standing out on the street again like she was the first day, it was far too cold to be standing outside anywhere, especially at this time, despite being reasonably early in the evening.
She slipped on her fur coat grabbed her clutch and went down to the ground floor. Although it was already ten minutes past the time she had ordered the transport for, it still wasn't outside the building so she waited in the lobby.
She was just about to try and coms the transport company again when she recognised the badge on a vehicle that pulled up outside. She made her way to the curb, opened the door and climbed in.
The driver was a different one than she had been allocated before.
"Where to miss?" The beta asked spinning in his seat to face her. As he did his eyes bugged wide and looked her up and down. He grinned unnervingly at her, the fact his two front teeth were missing made the smile more manic. She gave him the address of the restaurant, but he didn't move. He just stayed exactly where he was, staring at her.
"Hello?" She said glaring at him.
Saying nothing he spun back to face the road .
She wasn't going to lie but the driver was making her feel very uncomfortable, he was constantly looking in his rear view mirror at her. Every time she looked up his eyes met hers and he would quickly look away. Was he even looking at the road?
Thank the goddess the ride to the restaurant was short. When they pulled up outside, the young beta shot from the vehicle and ran round to open the door for her. He made the opening quite small which made it awkward for her to climb out and almost impossible for her not to brush past him. The move gave her goosebumps as her skin crawled.
She had no doubt that as she walked away he stood watching her. If she could get a signal she was going to com the transport company and make sure the driver was changed.
Maybe her attempt to make the Delta Deliveries owners uncomfortable was a step too far for the backward settlement.
As she stepped into the restaurant, she literally had to shake herself out of it, never once in her life had she felt uncomfortable for being her dynamic and she sure as hell wasn't about to start now all because of some toothless cock waffle.

The Outland's Alphas Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now