Chapter 14 Lucien

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Jacks and Lucien had sort out the other two breeds who were down in the 'den' shooting a round of pool.
"Ahh here he is. Our very own leading Alpha."
Lucien's shackles went up as he wasn't a leading Alpha, he was no where near being mates to the omega. He actually had no idea where he was with the omega at all, and he didn't need these two picking fun."
"Leave the pup alone Pearce." Jackson stepped in. Nodding to Luke he added, "why don't you get us all a beer Luke, it's been ages since we kicked back and spent sometime together like this."
Luke nodded at his friend and went to the make shift bar, picking up 4 beer bottles and clicking off the lids. He joined Jacks on an old sofa that ran beside the pool table.
"You see that film on skyburst last night?" Jacks asked. Aiming his question at the room.
"Nah,"Luke replied, "any good?"
"Didn't understand it, this Alpha went all fuckin weird over this waitress, changed his whole personality when he was with her, made him some kind of dom. Not sure what it was all about, meant to be a drama, but seemed like some kinda mind control if you ask me. Not like that could really happen."
Luke glared at the old breed, was this his plan?
"You kiddin me Jacks?" Pearson asked.
"Nah, why should I be?"Jackson replied.
A loud curse came from the end of the table. "Stop ya fuckin trappin and play ya damn shot Pearce." A grumpy Winkleborough said.
"I'm not trappin, just wonderin if Jacks here lives in a fuckin'ole" Pearce sneered.
"What ya mean Pearce?" Luke asked moving to the edge of the seat.
"Well it's just im." He replied pointing his cue at Jacks, "if you were ta ask such a green question I'd get it, but this ole fart as been about a bit and he's asked rubbish like that."
"Why rubbish?" Luke asked. "What he ask so stupid?"
"He's askin about what would make an Alpha act so weird, in'he."
"And?" Asked Luke getting frustrated that this seemed to be taking for ever.
"An inner Alpha knows his true mate, pup. If an Alpha meets his true mate, ya inner Alpha can do anything." He said rolling his eyes.
Luke sat back absorbing what he had just heard.
"I didn't even think they were real, true mates I mean." Lucas muttered.
"Nah son don't spose you did, rare as rockin orse shit they are. Only ever met one breed who had."
"And?" Asked Luke again, beginning to loose his patience.
"Flipped his fucking lid he did. Did all kinda things you wouldn't expect of him, but a true mate is a true mate, and she soon came round."
"What did he do exactly?" Luke asked.
"Kidnapped her, took her off inta the mountains, wasn't till bout 5 years later he bought her down."
"And how did she react?"
"Well," Pearce said rubbing his beard. "Seems for a couple of months she tried to kill'im, but when he brought her back down they had 3 pups and one on the way, so musta worked it self out eventually ay."
Luke looked at Jacks, who was shaking his head as if he knew what was going through Luke's mind.
Kidnapping? Could he? The true mate thing made perfect sense. He had definitely felt something primal when he was with her, and he knew she felt it too.
He jumped up.
"Nah lad, don't even think about it." Jack said so only Luke could hear him.
But Luke ignored him. "Ok old breeds, I have some things to sort out."
"Nah you don't son." Jacks said.
"Yep I do," Luke called back as he was already out the door and springing up the steps.
He climbed in his transport and headed towards her hotel.
He wasn't sure how he was gonna do it, but he was gonna kidnap her, she was coming to his cabin, whether she liked it or not.
His head was buzzing, thinking of all the different ways this could play out.
Was he strong enough to just pick her up and get her all the way to the homestead?
Should he hit her on the head and knock her out?
Fuuuck he had no idea how he was going to do this, but he did know she was his true mate, and that meant he must be hers. One way or another he would get her where he had to.
Arriving at her hotel, he practically ran through the foyer to the elevator. Luckily for him, it was already on the bottom floor and he was granted immediate access.
Pressing the button to her floor he stood and waited.
Was this the slowest elevator on the planet? It seemed to take an eternity for the damn thing to reach her floor.
After a million years when it decided to open, he strode down the corridor towards her room. He had no idea what he was going to say. Maybe he should try the honest path first and tell her they were true mates, and if that failed, then he would hit her over the head and knock her out.
He hammered his fist on her door, which immediately opened. And there she was, and like everytime when he had seen her his dick jumped in his pants. She looked fucking awesome. Sexy black dress, high red heals, a fur coat! Wait what a fur coat? Did she know he was coming?
"Oh!" She said in obvious surprise. She definitely did NOT know he was coming.
"Mr Murphy, what are you doing here? Mr Kingston and I were just on our way out. Can this wait until tomorrow?" Stepping aside she revealed Devon fucking Kingston behind her.
Fuuuck what now? This threw him completely. There would be no banging over the head now.
"Umm" he replied completely lost for words.
"Better yet..." She continued, stepping out with Devon fucking Kingston following her, she then had the cheek to say. "Better yet why don't you bring it up with Mr Robinson, he will be overseeing the North Outland end of the deal from now on, I will be supporting the South Outland end."
Devon fucking Kingston had the cheek to give him the biggest shit eating grin as he led her down the corridor.
"Oh and I am sure this can wait till morning as Miss Redford and I will be very busy this evening.'
He knew. Devon fucking Kingston knew. He knew why he had come, he knew he was in a better position and he knew that when they stepped into the elevator together he would be a broken man.
Well fuck that. He sprang into action.
"Oh going out for dinner?" He asked them putting on a light jovial tone while jogging down the corridor. If Devon fucking Kingston thought he had won, he was sorely mistaken.
Devon looked agitated but not anywhere near as pissed as his omega, if looks could kill he'd be hung drawn and quartered right now, and he fucking loved it.

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