Chapter 6 Amanda

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The evening had gone brilliantly, she had laid out her plans and Lucien had received them well. She had to admit that when she first arrived and saw only him there, she had breathed a little sigh of relief.
Not because she wanted it to be just him, but after the creepy driver and the handsy host at the restaurant, the last thing she really wanted was to battle those old breeds.
Lucien couldn't have been any more charming and nicer if he had tried, and the marvellous thing was she didn't think he was trying, she honestly believed this was just him. The way he actually was. And when he offered to give her a ride, her tummy butterflies did a little jig, not only did this mean she didn't have to ride back with creepy breed but she also got to have Lucien's company a little while longer, and surprisingly she found nothing bad in that.
After she agreed to take the ride from him, he paid the cheque and asked for her coat. When the waiter brought it Lucien whipped it from his hands before he had had the opportunity to get all Mr handsy with her again.
He even took the trouble to tell the driver for her that his services were no longer needed.
He walked her to his large transport and opened the door, wide, and she climbed in. She wasn't going to lie it was not the cleanest transport she had been in, in fact she was sure that she just sat on an old burger wrapper, but it was soon warm, and that was certainly something she could live with if it got her home in one piece.
He climbed in next to her and as he did a delectable aroma filled the air.
"What air freshener is that?" She inquired.
Looking perplexed he answered her. "I don't have an air freshener.
Well even if he did or he didn't, something smelled fantastic and for some reason it was making her a little wet between her legs.
She settled down into the warm seat for the short drive.
The ride was silent but she didn't feel uncomfortable.
There was no doubt she was attracted to this Alpha, would sleeping with him cause problems with the deal? She doubted it, she assumed he would just be happy about getting his cock wet, and to be honest she could do with a hard fuck to get the angry out of her system. Win win.
She would ask him up for a drink, the universal sign for being asked up for a quickie, he would get that right? Of course he would.
They pulled up outside her hotel and he seem to sit there frozen.
"Hey thanks so much for doing this Lucien. I was wondering would you like to come up for a quick drink before you go?"
He didn't answer for a moment and she honestly thought he was going to decline. Maybe he was right, maybe a quickie wasn't the best idea in these circumstances.
"I would love to."
Oh thank the goddess. She had got herself into the sex headspace and if he had turned her down it would have been disappointing. Last night she had looked for her vibrator to take the edge of but couldn't find it. The idea of being orgasmless had worried her. Her fingers just about did the trick, but she had to admit that there was nothing like her vibrating, purple, sparkling Alpha cock to get her going. It was a fantastic purchase as it came with a pump upable knot. She had never let an Alpha knot her before. Don't get her wrong, she loved sex, but the thought of being anatomically joined to an Alpha for 2-3 hours didn't float her boat. So the vibrator did the trick. Omegas always wanted to be knotted. But she was picky and she knew it.

He climbed out of the transport and ran round it to open her door. Opening it, he held out his hand to help her down, with most males she would find this condescending, but right now it just seemed practical, she was short and the transport was big. He also kindly removed the burger wrapper that had transferred from the seat to her coat, who said chivalry was dead?
Arriving at her room she opened the door and he followed her in, closing it behind him.
"Flip the lock would you?" She asked as she walked in and slid out of her shoes in the hallway.
The suite wasn't large, or at least not as large as she was used to, but it had everything she needed she supposed - a sitting area, where there was a large TV - she was yet to watch - a small kitchenette where, if she wanted to she could prepare some food - she didn't want to - a min bar - Yay! - and of course a bedroom and bathroom.
Not looking at him, she made her way to the mini bar. "Please sit," she said waving her hand over her head as if gesturing to the chairs, "what would you like to drink?"
On not receiving an answer she turned to see why.
Lucien was stood at the door not moving.
"This is a hotel room?" He enquired looking around with wide eyes.
She giggled, " this a hotel suite, meant for longer stays I suppose."
She was really beginning to relax around him, he seemed so naive which she liked.
"Come sit," she gestured to the couch again.
She then watched him hop from foot to foot trying to remove his shoes.
She giggled again. He was funny.
"What can I get you to drink?" She asked once more.
"What do you have?" He asked.
"Pretty much everything." She replied holding up a bottle to check its label. "Whiskey?"
He nodded.
She was dying for a drink, she had remained on soft drinks all night, keeping her business head on, but now was the time to relax and maybe, if Lucien was amenable, a little fun too.
She poured them both a hefty measure, and handed him his glass.
Sitting down and bringing her feet up underneath herself she sat down facing him with her arm along the back of the sofa.
He looked from his own glass to hers and then back at his again. He was thinking something and she could almost see the cogs turning in his head.
"What is it?" She enquired.
"This drink is very strong Amanda, sip it or you may get a little drunk."
She full out laughed this time.
"That's what I'm hoping."
She replied.
"You've had it before?" He asked worry etched on his face.
"Many times Lucien. Don't worry about me I have my big girl pants on today."
She saw his throat bob with a large swallow.
He was a sweetie, but oh so green.
"So tell me Lucien, what is it people do for fun in this settlement? There doesn't seem to be much going on."
"For an omega like you I guess not." He smiled and as he did so, now she was closer she could see his brilliant green eyes. They were yummy. In fact he was yummy, for a North Outlander he was rather scrumptious. He was clean shaven which in it self was a miracle here. His dark hair looked as if it would feel soft if you ran your fingers through it, he had a slight dusting of freckles over his nose and a small dimple on his chin. His lips were full and if she admitted it to her self very very kissable.
"I don't live here in this larger settlement, I live further out of town by the lake, I can't answer that one I'm afraid.'
He said capturing her in his hypnotic glare, " Where I live, I am always busy so I don't have a lot of time for fun, I am either working, hunting, growing and doing things round my homestead." He said with a weak smile.
"Aw Lucien, have you not heard that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?"
"Who's Jack?" He asked earnestly, if not a little annoyed.
She laughed again. "It's a saying,, meaning you shouldn't always work, everyone needs a little fun sometimes Lucien."
"I had fun tonight Amanda." He said looking at her straight in the eye.
Bringing her glass to her mouth, she ran the rim across her bottom lip, which his eyes tracked.
"Me too." She said with a flirtatious smile. "Did you lock the door?" She asked, leaning forward and putting her drink on the table, then leaning across to take his.
"Yes." He answered.

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