"Please just take me home. I know I'm going to kick the bucket and this place is the last place I need to be" Irin replied looking around at the plain white walls.

Becky sighed as her eyes followed Irin, she was right. it was empty this place, depressing, she never understood why all rooms in hospital were like this, sick people need cheering up not walls that mirrored exactly how they felt.


"You could get Freen to discharge me, please.

"Rebecca" Irin added as her piss pot eyes pleaded with Becky.

"Irin I can't, I mean. How, she's not even your doctor" Becky sighed.

"And there's no way she will agree to it even if she was, you need some IV antibiotics and then you'll be feeling better by next week."

"No Becky" Irin snapped.

"I'm dying...I know it, Freen knows it, those useless morons out there know it, and so do you so stop talking to me like I'm one of your patients" Irin huffed as she fixed the nasal prongs in her nose.

She coughed as Becky shuddered with the sound of her chesty cough it wasn't pretty.

"Please Rebecca, I'm asking you because I trust you, I trust you to help me go home and enjoy whatever time I have left in this poxy world" Irin said calmly this time as her hand tightened around Becky's.

Becky chewed the inside of her cheek, her heart ached looking into Irin's saddened eyes.

"Ok" Becky nodded as Irin gave her a grateful smile.

"I'll talk to Freen."


"Mmmmmhh I could never get tired of this" Freen hummed sprawling back against the mattress and as a grinning Becky appeared from under the sheets and rested her head against Freen's chest.

"We should get up at some point today" Becky said listening to Freen's rapid heartbeat as she traced her finger over Freen's stomach.

"I know, I should probably call into the hospital check on a few patients" Freen replied placing a kiss on Becky's forehead.

"What time is Faye due back" Becky asked as she felt Freen's body tense.

Sure, they had spent the last 18 hours in bed having mind blowing sex, but they couldn't hide out here forever, pretend like they could play happy families.

"I don't know, I think their train was leaving at 2" Freen mumbled as Becky glanced at the clock. It was nearing 3 and she needed to head into Irin.

"She will be due back soon I'm sure" Becky said lightly as she removed herself from Freen's grip and reached for a hoodie and bottoms nearby.

"Where are you going" Freen frowned sitting up as the sheet draped over her naked body.

"I need to go see Irin" Becky replied as Freen frowned watching the oversize body cover her ex-wife's body.

Becky chewed her lip nervously as she stared at Freen for a moment, she needed to ask her about Irin.

"BB why are you looking at me like that, out with it."

Freen laughed as Becky smiled nervously.

"I need to ask you something" Becky said as she approached the bed and sat next to Freen.

Wound Healing (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now