perhaps, he really was drunk...

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The dinner had ended perfectly, and as planned the group all moved lively to the bar counter to have a drink. Well, perhaps, better to say drinks, in the plural. Alastor was sitting strangely composed on the stool furthest to the left. He was watching the scene with amusement: Charlie was literally lying on the counter and stammered some strange ideas of ​​hers as always, Vaggie next to her was giving her affectionate slaps on the cheeks to try to wake her up from her 'coma'. Cherry bomb was having a drink right next to Sir Pentious painting, Angel and Husk were flirting awkwardly, as if they didn't know they liked each other. 

Lucifer was sitting between Charlie and him, sipping a glass of rosé  in a delicate, almost graceful position: his legs crossed, one hand positioned to hold his chin, while the other elegantly held the chalice. Under the soft lights of the counter, it could be seen all his beauty and angelic essence, the perfection in his features, his slender body... everything. Maybe Alastor was too tipsy, maybe not, anyway he couldn't take his eyes off the king of Hell. 

"Well, isn't this a 'priceless' evening? I wouldn't trade this with almost anything." The devil approached him first, moving his stool closer to the demon's, causing their knees to touch. The deer gulped a little. Perhaps, he really was drunk, after all the whiskey that he had that evening. "Your majesty... I shall warmly thank you. I haven't had such a peacful evening in... well, 7 years, if not more."

The fallen angel gave him a beautiful and delicate smile. Alastor's brain was melting. That 'man' really was handsome. Very handsome. He felt like and idiot (that really was rare) for ignoring him for so many days straight because of his stupid guilty feelings. There he was, sitting next to him; sitting next to a perfect being, the one who was once God's favourite angel, the most brilliant inventor in all of hell by definition. He was smiling at him. Alastor's thoughts flowed eagerly in indecent directions, thoughts that only the night could welcome and keep secret. Perhaps, he really was drunk...

 Fortunatly, saving him from his own thoughts, Niffty arrived from the back of the counter. She pointed her finger at Charlie and Vaggie's direction with a rather disgusted but also excited face: Lucifer's daughter was profusely barfing behind the counter, while Vaggie tried to keep her hair pulled back so they wouldn't get messy. The devil immediately turned around. "OH MY GOD! CharChar are you okay?" 

The radio demon watched the scene with nostalgia: it had been a while since the hotel wasn't this lively either. "Almost makes one sentimental..." He remembered the words he said just a few months ago. Could it be that he had become fond of that strange gang? His gaze rested on Lucifer. Could it be...

"I reeeally like them Alastor!" Niffty, on his right, had climbed onto the stools and then reached  the counter. She looked at him with her big, only eye, smiling as always. "You seem to like 'em too!" She said that, still smiling, somehow innocently. To Alastor that little lady remained a big mistery, but he was sure that the insect girl would never lie to him. The radio demon was really fond of her.

 He said what he said next maybe because he was drunk, maybe because it was a moment of serenity, maybe because the people at the hotel had treated him 'relatively' (very) well, maybe because of Lucifer... "Well, perhaps, yes indeed." The smile on his face was not tight. The smiles of none of those present were tight. Perhaps he really was very drunk.

"ALASTOR, what the fuck are you doing still there?! Come here and help me a little bit!" Lucifer's voice was. Lucifer's voice was high pitched, almost squeaky, like that of a hysterical parent waiting for their children in front of the school entrance. Alastor sighed, but without being bothered by the blond's call, and with a snap of his fingers he cleaned behind the bar counter, making husk emit a reaction of pure joy (being that he would be the one to clean in another situation). "C'mon hon, let's go to sleep." Vaggie picked up the hotel owner like a bride, giving her a sweet little kiss on the forehead, and turned to the rest of the guests. "Soldiers, the party is over. Put everything in order immediately and then go to bed! Tomorrow wake up at 7:30 for 'recreational activities'. Now!" The ex-exorcist disappeared once she went up the stairs.

They began rearranging the room reluctantly. Lucifer was moving a table, when suddently he felt the touch of an hand on his shoulder. "Shall we take the leave too, sir?" Alastor's warm radiophonic voice reached the devil's ears, causing a shiver and blushing in him. There was something erotic about the demon's voice, so much that the angel thought that he did that on purpose. The deer's hand slid gently on the shorter's narrow hip. Wow. The radio demon must have been very drunk to do this in front of everyone. Anyway, Lucifer, who decided to 'humor' Alastor's suggest, took his hand and dragged him up the stairs, leaving the others, now pissed off, alone to finish tidying up. Even though the radio demon was almost being dragged towards his room, he still managed to string together a couple of 'naughty senteces to whisper in the devil's ear. 

Finally they arrived to the demon's room, but as soon as Alastor tried to unbutton Lucifer's shirt, the latter's hand stopped his. The blond grabbed his wrist and pushed him gently onto the soft mattress. "No. You are very drunk, Alastor." The fallen angel was rejecting him, because of his condition. Even though he was actually right, he felt really disappointed. Sure, at that moment the demon could barely stand still, but still he could have sexual intercourse. "Your highness, let me jus-" He got immediately interrupted by the angel. "There's no way to convince me Alastor. You are going to sleep. I don't want to have sex with someone who won't even remember it tomorrow."

Lucifer was ideologically right, so Alastor didn't feel like debating his decision. Reasonably, the blond probably said it also to 'safeguard' the demon. "Let me help you here..." The redhead let the devil help him get undressed, to put on a pajamas. Lucifer placed little kisses on the demon's face every now and then. How romantic. Alastor felt safe, felt loved, or at least he felt that someone liked him. It was a sensation he hadn't often felt in life, or even in death. It was a new type of emotion, a beautiful one though. It reassured him to know that he didn't have to rely only on himself for once. Due to the calmness in which he was submerged, he didn't even notice that Lucifer had finished tucking him in. He was about to get up from the deer's bed, but Alastor stopped him, grabbing his arm thightly. "Lucifer..."  It was the first time that he called him by his real name. Not 'your majesty', not 'your highness', just 'Lucifer'. "Stay for the night please. Spend this night with me." 

First he was surprised by the light and graceful tone of the other's voice but then the angel's heart warmed, seeing the radio demon asking him to sleep together. He didn't find anything wrong with the proposal he was given. "Sure, Alastor. I'll stay with you." With a magic snap, Lucifer put his pajamas on and got under the covers. He remained still for a few seconds, doing nothing, but then he decided to give Alastor a delicate kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight Alastor." The radio demon put a hand on Lucifer's hip, to bring him closer, and gave him a kiss on his soft lips. It was sweet, it was romantic, he didn't really care. "Goodnight Lucifer."

Indeed... He really was very drunk.

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