the white's man burden

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TW: this chapter may contain racism historical references. Be aware please.


Alastor kept on drinking Lucifer's golden blood from the candid neck. Again, he couldn't believe he had gone so many days without drinking it. The radio demon pulled away to lick his own lips, and then bit the other side of the devil's neck. Alastor was carried away as always, but didn't notice that not the slightest noise came out from the other. Infact the fallen angel did nothing but keep himself from falling into the demon's temptations, so as not to be manipulated by that demon again in the future.

He would no longer fall for that hateful murderer's mental little games.

Alastor began to gently move his fingers through Lucifer's silky hair as he finally noticed that the devil was holding back. Then he moved down his hands away from the blond hair to touch his slender body: along his shoulders, then his chest, and finally up to his hips. The radio demon slightly moved the other's shirt and began to draw small circles on the white belly. Lucifer could feel that he was about to let himself fall into temptation, so he pushed the demon forcefully, making him fall, and took a few steps back. "Get off me, you prick! You are here just to suck my blood, nothing more."

Lucifer watched Alastor, still on the ground with confused smile, which he found very annoying. Why wouldn't that demon admit that he was just trying to manipulate him? "I can't believe i almost forgot who you really are. You are the radio demon. You are just an heartless, disgusting, psycho murderer. Always with a smile on your face. What the fuck is your problem?" 

Alastor got up and made his way towards Lucifer. Like father, like daughter. "Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath." He gave the devil a hostile look, as the blond straightened his shirt. "Also, your 'highness', i would prefere if you don't think of me as just some random murderer. Both in my life in the human world and here, i had my reasons for doing what i did. Really valid reasons to me." The devil rolled his eyes, annoyed by that last statement. Valid to him. Of course. Alastor took his stick and walked towards Lucifer, who had his back on the wall as a result of backing away.

What a shithead. Lucifer was as furious as ever, but most of all he felt powerless. The two of them estabilished a deal, and even if he was the devil, he couldn't just ignore it. What the hell had that demon been through to act that way when he was alive? He was a serial killer, for what? He had checked every single person in that hotel. 

In his archieve he had found Alastor's file: unlike other souls, he deserved to be in hell. That sheet said he was a serial killer in life. He didn't want to give his blood to that psycho anymore, even if he was slightly attracted to him. He didn't want to forget Lilith because of that smily face. He had enough.

"Oh really? You had your little mortal reasons. Like what? Daddy went out to buy milk and didn't return? That's really a good reason to become a fucking serial killer." Lucifer grabbed Alastor's wrist and lammed him hard against the wall. He dropped the sarcastic tone. "I can't believe i spent 3 weeks building ducks with you. I can't believe I didn't think about why you're here sooner."

 Lucifer watched the demon in the eyes. He seemed hurt, but he didn't care. He wouldn't get tricked by him that easily.  "You're scum just like everyone else down here, and the only one in this hotel who could never redeem himself. You can still drink my blood, but that's it." Alastor was watching his feet. Not a sound from him, not a single move.

The demon needed to speak, he needed to protect himself from those accusations, but how? They stayed in complete silence for what seemed like hours, until Alastor spoke again. "Unfortunately my king, this is none of your damn business. But if you're so curious, maybe i shall tell you why i did all those things." 

Alastor was irritated, but it was the only way to make the king believe him. It was the only way to be accepted by him. He could no longer hide from himself the feelings he had for Lucifer: he was starting to care about him, he liked his company, he loved his blood and strangely felt attracted to him. He had never felt 'attraction' that strongly before. 

Alastor sat on the devil's bed, behind him, patting on the space next to him, signaling the other to sit down. "I demand you to sit down, my king. This is quite a long story to tell." And as Lucifer sat next to him, the radio demon started to speak. His radio voice turned off. "Are you ready?"

Summer 1901

"Darling! Darling! I have the greatest news my dear!" Amiyah Woods run down the stairs to go hug her love, who just returned from work. Lev grabbed Amiyah by the hips, as she jumped on him. "What happened my dear?" He twirled her in the air as he watched her dazzling smile spread across her face. "Today i went to the doctor, honey." Lev gently put her down. "I'm pregnant!" Lev's face suddently darkened, and stammering something he went out again, leaving his servant alone with her thoughts, standing in front of the door.

Spring 1902

On march he was born. That little monster was born. Lev tried to leave Amiyah, but she just kept following him everywhere he went. She said he coulnd't leave her with their baby like that, without her job as a servant. What could she, a 23 creole woman, do all alone with a baby and no money? As he spent time with the girl, he started feeling attracted to her, even if she worked for him, in his house. He could say that he became quite affectionate to her. But now it was all over. She was creole and he was russian. He already had a lot of problems living in america by himself, as a 'special' immigrant. Still, that woman wouldn't leave him. 

When the baby was born, he chose the name. Alastor, which in ancient greek means 'persecutor', 'tormenter'. That child was his personal torment. He should have been more careful to that woman... He should be careful to that little crying monster in the future. He was disgusted by him, most of all by his skin. His mother didn't bother him: she was a woman, she would be inferior anyway. But that baby would become a man. Blood of his blood. Mixed disgusting blood.

Lev perceived his own son as a burden. An unbearable burden.


A/N: here's the new chapter, hope you liked it! Another chapter coming soon!!

P.S.: english is not my first language, so if you find any mistake, please point them out! Thanks a lot!!<33

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