5 days clean

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Lucifer panicked. The demon on top of him had clearly lost his head. 

"You majesty, you're so sweet. I could really develope an addiction." Lucifer shivered.He was crazy.

 The devil started feeling dizzy; Alastor surely drank a lot of blood at this point. Lucifer couldn't help but think that, in a certain way, he liked that feeling. The feeling of having one of the most powerful overlords dependent on him, addicted to him. And Alastor, other than enjoying the blood, loved having the king at his mercy: it made him feel powerful, being able to use him as an object. They were both controlling each other somehow.

"Hey shithead, that's enough." But Alastor didn't listen to Lucifer's words, or rather he didn't hear them.

"Alastor, enough!" This time Lucifer pushed the demon off him. Alastor looked at him "I thought you said 'as I please'." What a douche. How could that roach treat the king of hell like that?

"Ehm, yes dickhead, but there's no need to dry me up!" Lucifer blushed as he said those words. The wound on his neck, inflicted by Alastor, regenerated quickly. Alastor, now standing next to the bed, took a step back. "I shall admit that maybe i went a bit over." The  tone was a bit sarcastic. Lucifer was shocked. That demon really was the only one that had the courage to talk back. He didn't think a sinner could get him that annoyed. 

"I apologize, Sir." The demon grinned.

At that point Lucifer lost it. Alastor was obviusly making fun of him. How dare him, being derising towards him? "Out of my room, Alastor." Lucifer pushed the demon to the door.

"Ah ah, fair enough. It was a pleasure to taste you." Alastor watched the little devil close the door in his face. He walked down the long corridor and entered the elevator. He couldn't stop thinking about his 'little friend'. He'd lost control in that room: that...position with the king. What was that? His heart was somehow racing as he remembered that moment.

He loved that feeling. Loved Lucifer's blood. He needed more. Also, he had the impression that the other liked it somehow. For the first time since he met Charlie, he was intrigued. That family surely was quite bizarre.

 He rushed in his room. He wanted that 'shorty' to want him, but for now he felt inferior. He hated that feeling... being dependent. The king already saw him weakened, after the battle, but with this it became too much. He had to make it even. He had to calm down.

As time passed and Lucifer hadn't seen that stupid demon since that day. Was he avoiding him? He didn't understand.  It was the demon that insisted so much on getting this deal, and now he wasn't 'consuming' it.  That prick didn't even show up to Charlie's activities.

Lucifer asked himself if maybe he did something wrong. He missed the demon's presence in his room. Once again, he didn't know how to react. Alastor was the first sinner that made him feel that frustered, that confused.

"Hey short king, 'whatcha' got in mind?" Oh right, he forgot he was at the bar. Angel Dust approached him. "You seem distant these days." The spider was right. All he thought about was Alastor. Alastor here, Alastor there. Luckly nobody could read his mind, that would be embarassing. 

"Oh ya know, same shit as always. Ah ah depression is a bitch, ya know what i mean." Meanwhile, Husk, that absolutely didn't want to get involved in that discussion, slipped away furtively. 

After hearing that, Angel gave him the biggest side eye he had ever seen. He clearly had noticed that there was something strange. "So you're telling me that your behavior has nothing to do with Mr. smily face's absences." Oh God. What now? He had to play it cool.

"UHM NO? I mean of course not whatcha think? That i care about that creep? Ahahah don't make me laugh."

He was such a bad liar.

Angel Dust rolled his eyes. "Listen, i don't care if you are the most powerful being in hell. That creep is the hotel's manager. Your daughter needs him around. So, even if you aren't involved in this, you should try to speak to him. Charlie has already failed in that."

Lucifer felt embarassed. He was causing problems to his beloved daughter, he had to fix this. Angel leaned against the counter. "Also you should fuck the bastard! Maybe he'd loosen up a little bit." Angel was always true to himself. But he was right, a talk wouldn't had hurt anyone. "Thanks... little pervert." The spider demon smiled and Lucifer got up and left.

He walked fast and went to the overlord's room. He even entered without knocking the door. The scene embarassed him: the radio demon was shirtless, looking in the mirror, touching the big scar left from the battle with Adam. 

Lucifer turned quickly. His heart was racing. It was not his intention seeing the demon in that condition. Alastor seemed indignated, but judging his expressions was difficult due to that permanent smile on his face. Before turning, the blond couldn't help but notice that Alastor's shadow projected sad emotions, it seemed to be crying, even if Alastor himself was smiling. 

The demon was obviously pissed. Alastor's plan failed. It had passed 5 days since the beginning of the deal and he was pourpusly avoiding the devil: he couldn't get carried away like that time anymore. But now everything was ruined. Also the king showed himself in one of Alastor's moment of weakness, again.  He had to improvise, so as usual he smiled (not that he could stop doing that anyway).  "Don't kings know it's good manners to knock?"

Lucifer could hear hatred and shame in his voice, but he had to stood for himself. He was too proud not to respond in kind to the demon. "I enter where I please." 

Alastor kept looking at him with contempt. He didn't swear that often, but he really couldn't control himself at that moment. He was angry and also felt himself giving in to the temptation to jump on Lucifer to taste his blood again. He craved that golden liquid.

"Listen up, demon. You can do as you please of me and my blood and whatever, but you can't treat my daughter like shit. You have a job in this place, you can't just ignore your chores." Lucifer kept talking but had the feeling that Mr happy face wasn't really listening to him. "You are lucky enough that no other angels attacked yet. Also what the hell? You wanted this deal at all cost, and now that you have what you want you lock yourself in your dingy room for days."

Alastor couldn't hear a single word. All he was capable of doing, was watching the fallen angel's body and mouth, resisting the temptation to bite him.

"Hey Alastor, you aren't listening to me, are you? You piece of crap." Lucifer pushed Alastor from his chest, touching his bare skin. Before Lucifer could blink, Alastor attacked him, biting him in the same place as the previous time.

"You forced me to do this, sir."

Lucifer was shocked for a second but closed his eyes anyway, and let himself go to the demon's 'attentions'.


A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! Next one coming as soon as possible.

P.S.: english is not my first language, so if you find any mistake, poit it out please!

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