After the battle

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Lucifer didn't know how to react. He had never felt as dishonoured and disrespected as the moment when he met Alastor for the first time. He didn't know how to react as he watched the radio demon mocking him, taking his place as Charlie's father figure. He could kill the demon if he really wanted to, but Charlie seemed to have gotten quite affectionate to him. He hated him, with all of his soul and his heart. 

He didn't know how to react when, after the battle, they couldn't find him. He couldn't understand why he felt so anxious to find him. Lucifer started searching, looking around to see if the deer-like demon remained trapped under the rubble of the hotel. He noticed that he was the only one who was looking for him, as if he was the only one that cared for that sassy twat of an overlord. He hated him, so why? He couldn't understand. 

Maybe he just admired the demon for his behaviour towards him, the devil. Every normal sinner would tremble at his presence, but not him, not Alastor. Lucifer didn't know if the demon was just stupid or if he was actually very arrogant. The demon's behaviourwas unacceptable, but Lucifer decided not to think about it and just search for him, alone. 

Meanwhile Alastor was having a panic attack. The wound inflicted by Adam during their battle really hurt him, it weakened him. Most of all, it was his pride that got injured. He was defeated in battle against that fool. Surely Adam was stronger than him, but he felt struck in pride anyway, he felt miserable and useless. And God if that wound hurts. He didn't know how to heal it fast enough to come back to his companions. He didn't want them to see him in that state. 

He was exhausted and he couldn't think straight, so he dragged himself away. He fled until something, or rather someone, stopped him. He couldn't ignore the pain, unbearable at this point, as he felt the tug on his arm, but he couldn't stop smiling. Finally he turned and he saw what stopped him from getting away from that place. He was barely able to breath the moment he saw Lucifer's judgemental face. Alastor thought that the devil despised him for running away like a coward. Alastor misread the devil's expression, in fact the blonde was more concerned about the wound, rather than angry about the escape attempt. 

"You bastard, what makes you think that you have the right look at me with that face? I still remain one of the most powerful overlords in hell." the demon hissed, nearly losing his breath. 

Lucifer watched the sinner as he tried to drag himself away from him, yanking his arm out of his solid grip. He felt really angry. It took him a while to search for that ungrateful son of a bitch, and what did he get in response? Just assumptions. Just vile words.

 "Fine. Die alone then." said the devil as he turned his back. Why did he go find him in the first place? He hates him.  Fuck him. 

Alastor observed the devil's back as he walked away. He was better off alone, with his mind full of thoughts and his body lightened due to all the lost blood. He nearly fainted, but somehow he managed to get up and hide behind a now destroyed wall. There he rested and wrapped his chest with a torn piece his shirt. The wound burned like hell.

 A few hours later he went back to the others as if nothing happened, as if the pain had disappeared. Everybody cheered except Lucifer, who completely ignored him. But the demon was glad: that meant the king of hell didn't tell anybody about their encounter. 

After finishing building the hotel, Alastor confined himself to his room, where he could drop the act. He went to the bathroom and took off his shirt and the improvised bandage, there he saw the wound still opened. It was big and deep but most of all it was not healing as it should have. What was he expecting? Adam had hit him with an angelic weapon. Obviously it was not going to heal fast.

As he thinks that, blood pursued to drop out of the cut in big quantity. He barely touched it, but the sensation was that of many stinging pins sticking into his flesh. Alastor felt like dying. 

In that moment Lucifer rushed into the demon's room. "Let me heal you. I can't stand here doing nothing as you die. I could never forgive myself if I do that." 

Alastor looked deep in the fallen angel's red eyes as he coughed. "I saw you during the hotel's repairs. You barely stood on your feet. I actually can't believe no one noticed." 

Lucifer was seriously intentioned to help him. The demon watched his hand full of blood and took a deep breath "Fine... I need your help, your majesty."

 Lucifer smiled and proceeded to heal the wound. Alastor did not remember the moment when he fainted, but he woke up in his bed the next day, with a post-it next to him:

 - you owe me a favour-

 "As if there's something that you can't do yourself in hell, Lucifer Morningstar."  Alastor spoke to himself. 

He got out of bed, dressed himself, went downstairs in the hall and approached Husk. "Would you gently hand me that, Husker?" Pointing to a whiskey bottle. Husk looked at him dead in the eyes "Has been forever since you asked me for the whole bottle, boss. Is it the case that you need a bartender to tal-" 

He couldn't finish his sentence "Watch your mouth, old pal... What would you assume? That I need your help? Ah ah."

 Husker observed him drinking from the bottle "I thought that , maybe, you could use a hand." The radio demon looked at him with a forced smile

"You thought wrong."

Lucifer didn't know why he did that. Well he knew but he didn't. Why would he care about that demon... He was no different from other sinners, on the contrary, he was worse. So why?

Something about him attracted the devil. Maybe his boldness. He couldn't understand. Certantly when the demon responded to him that way , the day before, he got angry and frustrated. But was he really angry for his response, or maybe for the fact that the redhead didn't want his help. Why did he want to help him so much?

Too many questions. He couldn't think about him now: he had to stay with Charlie. But... maybe spending more time with the radio demon could help the fallen angel understand his mixed feelings. "Yeah, that shall do." He walked to the hall to get a drink, but surprisingly, he found there the radio demon.

"Hey fellas! King's here." He presented himself. Alastor looked at him with his usual fake smile while Husker snorted "Oh for fucks sake, I don't want the two of you in the same room. It's 8 in the morning, I can't deal with your bullshit."

"Now now Husker, you can't speak that way to your king" Alasor grinned, in one of his hands he held the bottle. "The short king here and I have something to talk about." The radio demon walked towards Lucifer. "Uhhh, do we?" the fallen angel responded.

"Yes, your majesty. Let's finde somewhere more private... Shall we?"

Lucifer followed the demon in the radio studio "You are boring me, horns. Make It quick." Alastor proceeded to explain in an irritated tone "Your majesty, I really appreciate your gesture from yesterday. However I don't like having 'debts to pay'. What shall I do for you?" 

Lucifer was atonished, he didn't know what to ask him. He was intrigued by him but he couldn't just reveal it that way. He said the first thing he had in mind.

"Help me with the ducks"


"What did you say? I must have heard wrong."

"You heard right. Help me with the ducks, Alastor. Deal?"


A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter, the second is coming soon!!

p.s.: english is not my first language, so in you find any mistake please point it out!!

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