Believe me, I didn't want to be mute. It's just the way I am

I showed my notebook to the orange and white robot. He squinted to read the words but nodded in response. Many teachers and kids had said the same thing multiple times, that's why I had this answer prepared.

"Well, at least you're not the only one. Bumblebee's mute too, except he speaks in these weird and cute beeps that only Raf and the autobots can understand," Miko explained.

I wrote down something in my notebook.


"We are-" the blue and red robot started to say, but was cut off by Miko.

"Yeah yeah we know, big guy. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as autobots," Miko imitated, but in a non-disrespectful manner.

"We are on Earth because our planet is inhabitable, ravaged by centuries of civil war," the blue and red robot continued. Centuries? And I need to know all their names. It's exhausting calling all of them by their colours.

What are all their names?

"So the big guy is Optimus Prime, the green guy is Bulkhead, my guardian," Miko started.

Jack, what about your motorcycle?

"Yeah, her name is Arcee, my guardian," he explained.

"And this is Bumblebee, my autobot guardian," Raf explained.

"And the grumpy guy over there, his name is Ratchet. He can be quite rude and mean but you'll get used to it," Miko shrugged it off.

"Arcee, Bulkhead, have you both discovered the relic yet?" Ratchet asked both of them.

"Not really. Though I did hear Knockout say that it's with either Miko or Erin when he cornered them, and I know Miko doesn't have anything related to it," Bulkhead looked at me.

"Do you have the relic?" Ratchet asked me. I tilted my head sideways indicating that I didn't follow. What relic is he talking about?

His eyes landed on my necklace.

"Where did you get that?" Ratchet asked in disbelief.

My mother gave it to me.

"Do you realize that you are wearing one of Cybertron's ancient relics?" He exclaimed.


I looked down at my necklace.

"Hand it over to me," Ratchet ordered, sticking out his hand. I protectively clutched it and shook my head.

My mother gave it to me. She's dead. It's the only thing that protects me from the grief. No way am I giving it to a giant robot who can easily crush it with a flick of his finger.

"I have no time for these silly games, hand it over right now!" It began to sound like a threat. And they are supposed to be the good guys?

"Ratchet, calm down. She just met us and do you think she'll trust us immediately to give us the relic?" Arcee glared at him. 

"Arcee is correct, Ratchet. Give her some time," Optimus told him. Ratchet just scowled.

Can I go back home now?

I showed Optimus my notebook.

"I'm afraid you are now a target for the decepticons, and it is best you remain under our watch for some time," Optimus said. I felt shivers run down my spine. I didn't want to stay here, especially with Ratchet.

Transformers Prime: Broken Heart, Broken Voice (#1)Where stories live. Discover now