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In the morning, the lovebirds still sleep while the smaller hug Jungkook's arm tightly make the other can't move his arm 'darling, please wake up' Jungkook shake his soulmate softly but the latter continue sleeping soundly. Jungkook sigh and shake his head 'darling, my baby time to wake up' he smile when the other open his eyes and give a peck on Jimin's plum lips.

'Good morning hubby' Jimin said with cresent eyesmile and chuckle when Jungkook widened his eyes, because the sweet nickname he gave. 'Why are you so shock? You didn't like it?' He ask while pout a bit because he loves the nickname for the latter.

Jungkook sit straight before he take the smaller's hand and left a soft peck 'no darling, I love it just little bit shock' he smile and Jimin breath in relieve, he can't lose his soulmate again 'let's clean up before the doctor come in alright?' He pull Jimin and take him to the attach bathroom in the ward. He can't wait to go home since their relationship become better, he really hope nothing will happe in future.

The smaller wash his face, brush his teeth before his soulmate do the same thing and they heard someone comes in, 'good morning both of you. How are you feeling today Jimin ssi?' Doctor Kim ask him after shake hand with Jungkook who comes out from the bathroom.

'I feel better doctor, just my leg hurt a little when I stand too long' Jimin smile lightly, while sit on the bed.

'Alright we can fix it with physiotherapy, I hope Jungkook ssi can take you here every monday and thursday?' Doctor Kim ask the taller and smile when the other nod his head and explain a bit about Jimin's medication and give them checkout form before leave the couple.

'Hubby I can go home!' Jimin said happily can kiss his lover 'I miss Minkoo' his eyes glossy when remember their son. He sniff when the taller keep kiss face and make him calm down.

'He is fine darling, don't worry mom said he just asking where were you and he miss you too' Jungkook kiss his temple before pack their things to go home.

When they arrived there is cops with Mrs Jeon make them frown and walk towards the door 'good afternoon officer, how can we help you?' Jungkook ask after he shake with the both officer. Jimin look at them with scared eyes while hug Jungkook's arm tightly.

'Good afternoon, we come here regarding of Park Jimin can we see him? We caught the culprit and want to the discuss further about it' the officer said while look at the smallest who cling at Jungkook.

'Sure officer please come in' Mrs Jeon bring them to the living and go to the kitchen to make some drinks.

'I'm sorry about the accident Mr Park, hope you don't mind about what we will discuss about. I am officer Lee and this is my partner officer Han' he shake their hand and bow a bit.

'It should be fine officer, I have someone in mind about the accident but I don't want to accuse' Jimin frown and feel Jungkook's hand tighten around his waist.

'If you are thinking your mother is the mastermind and that is correct Mr Park, we already investigate about it and she confess she do it because of your relationship. We will take further action if you want'

Jungkook look at him and smile a bit to tell him that he will support whatever his decision 'yes officer please take further action because we have kid and I don't want our child in danger' Jimin smile when he feel his lover and Mrs Jeon hug him. The officers nodded their head and walk out after take his statement.

'I am so proud of you darling' Jungkook said softly before kiss his cheek and when he want to move his lips they heard a screaming from the door, Minkoo run towards his parents and sobbing loudly.

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