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At 7 am Jimin's alarm already make a sound, he get up and look at his window immediately. He has made his decision about his life and he choose to be with Mrs Park's choice. He knew he can't live with Jungkook in long time because money is his life. The smaller walk towards his bathroom and do his morning things, he get ready to meet Jungkook for the last time. He send a message to the latter before going down for breakfast. 

"I will meet you around 30 minutes, I'll come to your house." 

He look at his mother who already on the table, she look at him and frown when she saw her son dress so pretty in the morning "where are you going? I text my friend to meet them in the afternoon" she raise his eyebrow when Jimin not saying anything she thought they already agree about leave the poor boy. 

He sigh and look at her "I told you yesterday I want to meet Jungkook. Don't worry Mommy, it will be the last time and I make my decision I will follow yours since I know I can't live without money, you taught me that." He said and shrugged when Mrs Park smirk happily. 

"I really glad about that, yes son money is everything. If you had the money and you can buy anything especially Love. Try to give your money to your so called soulmate. If he take it and thats it. He is same like everyone." She laugh a bit when Jimin nod his head. She inform her friend that today's meeting is cancel. 

"Alright Mommy, I see you later" he smile and walk to the main door of the mansion and get inside his car which all set ready by his driver. 

At the other side, Jungkook help his mother to make a breakfast with glum face "why you look so sad my son? Are you okay?" Mrs Jeon ask with frown because usually his son will talk or make a silly joke but today he just quiet and sad

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At the other side, Jungkook help his mother to make a breakfast with glum face "why you look so sad my son? Are you okay?" Mrs Jeon ask with frown because usually his son will talk or make a silly joke but today he just quiet and sad. 

"Nothing mom, just thinking" he said with smile lightly to his mother. He didn't want to make his mother worried but he can't help it. He know he will lose Jimin and he confirm that when he called his soulmate last night. But what can he do when Mrs Park really hate him. He can't force Jimin to leave his family, he can't make his lover sad just because of him. 

Mrs Jeon believe Jimin is the cause, she not hope that Parks will accept them because of the history. "Please don't think too much Jungkook ah, I know this is about Jimin. If his family not accepting us then its okay. Soulmate is only once, they have to take you in whether they like it or not." She rub his back softly when she saw Jungkook's eyes starts to water. 

He sniff and nod his head, he look at her and wipe his tears "Okay mom, I know everyone can't look at us. I know that even I really love him, I can't make him mine. We are in really different class" he take their breakfast to the table. They eat in silence before he break it "I'm not working today, Jimin want to see me and I think this is the last time. I can feel that" he smile sadly and continue to eat. 

"Okay, I will leave you two alone. I will go to the park, call me when I can go back home" she laugh and receive soft slap on her arm. After a few minutes they heard a car going to their porch and saw a Porche Panamera comes in. "He's here, I go first." Mrs Jeon take his dishes and walk out from their dining table. She say hi to Jimin before out. 

"Hi Jungkookie" Jimin smile and hug him from back. Since the taller still sit he wrap his arms around his neck and leave a small peck. 

Jungkook glance towards him and links his hand "Hello darling, why are you want to see me in the morning? Are you okay?" he feel lump around his throat but still smile to his small lover. 

"Just because, I miss you. Lets go talk in your room I saw Mrs Jeon out just now and this home will be us for few hours right?" he whisper and he can feel the latter shiver. He smile and pull Jungkook up before walk towards his bedroom. 

"Mommy is right, I think if I give him money he will accept it. And you are just like everyone else. Want me in bed only" he thought and close the door before lock it. 

If he know how Jungkook feel really worry and little bit scare because this is his first time and he don't know anything about it but different case with the smaller. He already do it couples of time. 

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