Chapter 22: Bandages

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Ooh, 3rd Person POV. Wonder what is going to he talked about here.
3rd Person POV

Chaos ruled amongst the island. Screams echoed throughout as the carnivorous dinosaurs hunted amongst this new easy prey. Most of them did not know how to be stealthy and instead were screaming and running and making a fun way to hunt, more fun than the goats that they were usually given.

Blood was now painting the fronts of the buildings, mixed in with shards of glass and tattered fabric. It was a disgusting scene, not that anyone was in the mindset to complain about it at the moment. All of the people were too focused on their own survival and all of the dinosaurs were focused on their new meals.

All of the staff were confused as to how this had happened. As to how these dinosaurs were able to all get out at once, but it was unclear. All that was clear at this moment was that the park would not be allowed to reopen, not after the death count had already passed 200, it was impossible that they’d be allowed this.

Along with this mystery of the opening gates they also had to deal with the members of staff missing. The head of the park, along with the heads of tourism, safety, genetic programming, and more were all missing. The staff could only pray that they hadn’t been killed first.

Other members of staff were huddled into areas around the park, in the rolling fields or by the shorefront, where dinosaurs had been set without restraints and were also in the mood for hunting down their own food. These people were a lot less lucky.

However, as they were all fussing on the island, none of them noticed the boat speeding away from the chaos, where four people were sitting. Three men and one woman were all avoiding the chaos of the park, drinking away their guilt or chatting to one another while skirting around the actual issues that they caused.

In between snacks of fresh fruit and chips and sips of juices and alcohol, they all had a similar thought at the back of the mind. None of them would allow the others sitting alongside them to know about the plans that they had.

Guilt was something they couldn’t control. All of them felt for the lives on the island, the families and friends who just wanted a nic vacation and were now being torn apart by carnivorous beasts who had the first chance in their lives to run around freely. Money however, was more important than the lives of those on the island.

George POV.

“Now, you need to secure the bandages so that they are tight.” Dream instructed. I looked around the room as he said that, but I couldn’t see anything that would be able to secure the bandages like he said. Now any tape, or pins, or anything. I told him this and he sighed, also looking around the room.

Sapnap would probably have been better at this however he had run off to search for food or weapons or something else that he had mentioned in a string of fast paced sentences. “Have a look in the desk over there for a pin.” He gestured towards a desk in the corner. I nodded and walked over, only hesitating when the lights flickered.

“Is that okay?” I asked cautiously, glancing up towards the light that was directly above me. “Is that because of… whatever had killed those employees?” We had been desperate to get in here, desperate enough that despite the blood that was painting the floor we had ventured into the dangerous flickering hallway.

It was for Dream’s sake, after all. I didn’t want him to end up bleeding out, and I managed to avoid throwing up as I treated his wounds. He was probably giving me more support than I had been giving him. He smiled at me, a show of support despite my fear.

“The flickering doesn’t mean anything.” He told me, giving a sweet smile which calmed me. “Trust me, nothing that could have gotten into this building will find us in this one room out of one hundred.” My brows furrowed but I nodded.
“And what about Sapnap?” I asked him, concerned since he was on his own.

“Sapnap studies and trains dinosaurs for a living.” The blond tried to reassure. “He can handle whatever. He’s a professional.” ‘So were the people who had been killed,’ I thought, however I did not say anything in response. Instead I kept my gaze low as I opened the top drawer for the desk and began looking through for a pin or something else we could use.

I looked through, pushing around pens and keys and even some family photos. These made me feel saddened for whoever worked here. The doctor who owned this small medical station from the small complex would likely never be back here again. Or perhaps he had been killed and would never leave here again, either way it was saddening enough for me to shed a tear.

Or perhaps it was multiple tears. My fingers curled around the edge of a photo, one of a woman in her late thirties with her arms around a small girl who looked exactly the same. Was this person the woman? Or maybe she was a partner? This small girl might be her daughter to perhaps a younger sister.

I didn’t know how long I stood there though, but my gaze drifted away from the paper when Dream spoke up. “George… Are you okay?” He asked. “Did you find the pin?” I was about to shake my head but as I looked back down into the drawer I spotted a safety pin.

After taking a moment to respectfully lay down the photo on the surface of the desk (so it would not have to spend the rest of its life sitting in the darkness), I grabbed the pin. “So now what do I do?” I asked him. This was probably self explanatory but I wanted to make sure that I was doing what he thought was best.

“Just make sure that you pull my bandages as tight as you can and then pin them in place.” He instructed, causing me to eye him sceptically.
“That doesn’t sound like it would help that much.” I muttered. “Doesn’t sound very medical.”
“Well I’m not a doctor George. Just trust me, it is enough for now.”

I was unsure, but I trusted the blond and cautiously held his back just above the bandages with one hand while with the other pulled his bandage tight. After pinning it in place he smiled at me, turning his head to kiss my cheek. “Thanks darling.” He smiled at me, and if this situation weren’t so tense the pet name would have probably made me bubbly.

“Should we go and try to find Sapnap?” I asked him, and after a long moment he gave me a nod.
1180 words

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