Chapter 40: Night Time

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How is everybody doing today?

Also, Mr Beast POV? (He is an important character in the next story as well for some reason)
Jimmy POV.

My fist balled up as I stepped out of Kris’ room, feeling annoyed at her utterly pitiful behaviour. The hospital was quiet as it was late in the evening and almost all of the staff had gone home. The place was basically dead, just like… y’know it was honestly kind of funny but I refused to say anything.

Aside from the nurses who were downstairs the only people that were in the hospital were myself, Chandler, and Nolan. Both of them were likely asleep after I paid one of the nurses to slip something into their dinner.

Without a word I began crossing the hallway back to my room. I’d just go to sleep and everything would be fine in the morning. My hands brushed themselves down on my pants before I opened the door to my room. It was quiet as I sat down on the bed, but before I had the chance to turn the light off there was a knock on the door.

My heart began to race, but I managed to keep my voice composed as I told whoever was there to ‘come in’. Much to my shock and annoyance it was the guy from the military, General Techno… the absolute asshole. “I am surprised you’re awake.” He told me as he stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“I was just getting ready for bed… actually.” I explained. “Just brushing my teeth.” I sat rigidly with my back upright. He didn’t say anything, just letting me squirm like some sick sadist.
“Well I figured you ought to know an updated situation on the park.” The pink haired man explained. “Since you are the owner after all.”

“Have you heard something?” I asked, feeling both confused and cautious. “Are you heading there to try and stop the dinosaurs?” I wanted to give the creatures as much time as they could to deal with the people on the island, especially the people who knew something about what was going on.

“Yes, and you’ll be pleased to hear there are survivors.” My face fell. I covered it up instantly, not allowing him to see how I truly felt.
“That is great.” I said, basically through gritted teeth. “Do you know who has survived?”

“No, we have gotten a few calls… it’s almost as if cell service just turned itself back online.” He paused for a moment, examining my expression. “It’s weird.”
“Yeah it is.” I sighed as I gave him a nod. After a moment I dared to probe, “Were there any calls from staff?”

The general looked over at me cautiously and I shrugged. ‘I’ve worked with them for years. I am worried about them. But I am also worried about the guests.”
“We don’t know who has what job. Most of them just managed to call 911 and tell them what was happening. Their information was given to the military.”

“Oh… okay.” I managed a smile. I was a bit annoyed, as what the pinkette was telling me didn’t help me figure out anything. I had no clue as to whether Karl, Sapnap, and Dream were alive or dead. “Well I hope that you can get everyone off the island.” I smiled.
“Thank you.” General Techno replied. “I will leave you to sleep.”

“Great. I hope you have a good evening sir.” The man looked into my eyes and gave a nod, not saying anything else. He turned and walked out of the room, softly shutting the door behind him. I finally felt as though I could breathe, now that he wasn’t here to look into my mind with his strangely silent demeanour.

I had been so cautious the entire time that he was in the room, so confident that he had seen right through me. After taking a moment to make sure my breathing was calm I turned the light off and laid down.

Dream POV.

The floor wasn’t comfortable, I had to adjust myself multiple times to find a position I was capable of sitting in for more then five minutes. Eventually I sighed and gave up, looking over to where Karl and Sapnap were cuddled up asleep behind me.

I didn’t know how they did it. Sure we all slept outside last night, but the dirt was somewhat more comfortable. Maybe it was just because they had something comfy to lean on; each other. I just sighed in disappointment as I moved around again. My eyes slowly shut, attempting to tempt myself to get at least a few minutes of rest.

“Dream…” My eyes opened slowly as I heard the faint voice. They drifted up as I looked over at the brunette laying on the bed. In the darkness I could barely see his eyes, looking directly at me and he seemed wide awake despite his tired voice.
“Yeah George… what’s up?” I asked him.

"You know how I said I was hot earlier?" He asked, his gaze softening. I gave him a hum, showing I remembered it. "Well I'm cold now." He fell silent for a moment, as if waiting for me to say something, but I didn't. "Could you… warm me up."

Blush boiled up on my face but I nodded, since the bed would be much more comfortable than the floor next to the lovebirds. Slowly I stood up, moving across the room without waking up the two beside me. He managed to shuffle himself backwards so that I could lay beside him, with him smiling at me.

“Thanks.” His voice was a whisper as I wrapped my arms around him. It was a lot better than the rough floor and for a while neither of us spoke, instead just enjoying the warmth and the company of one another. I was beginning to suspect that George had fallen asleep and was about to do the same thing but then he spoke.

“Dream… are you awake?” He asked tentatively, his back was to me, pressed against my chest and my arms were around him to keep him close.
“I am.” I told him, keeping my voice low as to not wake Sapnap and Karl. “What’s up?”
“I was just… thinking…” he began before trailing off.

“What were you thinking about?” I questioned, the drowsiness of sleep was beginning to appear by I managed to push it away.
“Well today and yesterday.” He simply stated. “Sapnap saw someone die. You were clawed through your chest, I had an infected wound from a stampede, and I was poisoned.”

I didn’t say anything, just listening to him list only some of the things that had happened. There were many more things too but he continued. “I know that you know this place, but I’m not sure if we’ll both get out of here.” He managed to roll around before facing me. “I know we’ve only known each other for a few days but in case something happens I want you to know I love you.”

His words were quiet, yet they still echoed in my ears and drew a smile to my face.
“George… that’s so sweet of you.” I smiled. He looked at me, slowly bringing a hand up to my face, cupping it lightly before connecting our lips in a kiss.
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What would Jimmy be doing in Kris' room?

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