Chapter 43: Helicopter

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George POV.

“Please don’t go too far.” Dream muttered. He was hanging in the doorway while I stepped outside. “We don’t want something to happen to you, especially when there is a chance of us being rescued.” I looked over and nodded at him. I had decided to head outside for some fresh air, and so that Karl and Sapnap weren’t staring at me while I nodded.

“Don’t worry, Dream.” I responded. “I am going to just sit out here in the sunshine, so I can write with a clear head.” His brows furrowed but he didn’t say anything. “Just trust me, I will be fine.”
“Okay. Just call if anything happens at all, okay? We don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I understand.” I reassured him.

I sat down on a bench by the door, with Dream watching me for a few moments before he stepped inside. I’m pretty sure he muttered something about a shower before he left, but I paid him no mind as I continued to write down some notes.

Dream, my new boyfriend, had promised me that I would not end up dying on this island, but it was just a precaution. I’d slip the papers to him at some point so that if anything did happen then he could pass it off to someone on the mainland and it could be published. They’d fix any mistakes I had made yet I did continue to reread for spelling errors.

I detailed about me being with Sapnap, Karl, and Dream, however I didn’t mention how Dream and I had hooked up before anything had started happening, nor did I mention that we were now dating. Even though it was a life and death thing I didn’t want to sound biassed towards my boyfriend in any of my words.

From somewhere in the distance I could hear noises. Yet as I vaguely scribbled down some notes I realised that they didn’t sound like dinosaurs. My brows furrowed and I glanced up, since the sound also seemed to be coming from the sky. Perhaps it was some kind of flying creature that was created by the park, like that massive dinosaur from yesterday.

“Dream!” I called out, standing up and backing away. “Sapnap! Karl!” I continued moving closer to the door. This was just in case there ended up being something that I had to run off.
The blond responded to me. “What’s going on?” His voice was just as loud, calling out to me and sounding full of concern.

After a moment he appeared in the doorway, and froze when he heard the same sound as me. “What’s up George?” He asked, and I looked over to see that standing alongside him was both Karl and Sapnap. “What’s that sound?”

“Is it a helicopter?” Sapnap guessed. “Is there a helicopter coming to the island?” He glanced around, seeming uncertain.
“Does that mean we can get out of here?” Karl seemed hopeful. “This two day nightmare is over?” I looked over at him and gave a tentative smile.

Honestly it felt a lot longer than that. To think that this had only started two days ago, that I had only met Sapnap two days ago. Dream and Karl I had known a little longer, but that was only three days. All of us stepped out into the sunshine, lifting our gazes for the chance to see whatever might be approaching us.

I found myself standing right alongside Dream, my hand managing to grab this. “Dream…” my voice was soft. “Do you think we could get out of here?”
“Yeah.” He responded. “We can go home.” Then he spared a glance over at me. “And we can be together.” I lit up at the thought.

From somewhere on the island roars began to echo out, seemingly reacting to the noises of what we expected to be a helicopter. That should be good, meaning that the helicopter must be close and therefore we can leave.

In the distance I finally saw it. It was a black helicopter, with some white markings on it. “Look,” I said, pointing up towards it. All three of them followed my gaze, each one grinning just as widely. “It is close, perhaps it could see us.” I waved towards the large metal machine, hoping whoever was piloting it would see me.

Perhaps it was unrealistic to assume this, since it was still far away and there was a wall of trees separating us from the helicopter. Sure enough it landed somewhere out of sight, earning a disappointed sigh from all of us. After a few moments the sound of the engine cut out and I looked over to the other guys.

“What should we do?” I asked, feeling uncertain. “Should we try and find the helicopter? Maybe the pilot could help us?”
“I’m not sure.” Dream responded awkwardly. “When I made the call last night I told the guy we were here, perhaps the pilot is here to rescue us.”

“Then why wouldn’t he land over here?” Karl questioned, raising a brow. “We have a helipad on the roof of the building!”
“The roof was destroyed, Karl.” Sapnap reminded his boyfriend. “But… that doesn’t explain why it couldn’t land in the clearing beside us.”

“Maybe he had other people to rescue?” Dream offered. “Other people might have survived on the island. If we just wait here then…” He cut him himself off and we all went silent, listening to the sound of roars as the ground shook and trees violently swayed. A group of dinosaurs ran past, another stampede of dinosaurs escaping something.

This was followed by gunshots, shocking all of us. None of us spoke while we listened and looked at all the sights and sounds. “So what should we do?” I eventually asked. “Do we want to go looking for the helicopter? Or should we wait here?” None of them spoke for a few moments, but after a while Dream eventually gained the confidence to say something.

“We’ll wait here.” He decided. He went and sat down on a bench, the same one that I had been sitting on to write earlier. Slowly I went over to join him, patiently sitting beside him to wait for the helicopter to come towards us. Eventually Karl and Sapnap moved over to join us.
1069 words

Not many chapters left is there?

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