Chapter 42: Report

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Four days until the next story is getting released. Who is feeling excited?
Any predictions for how this story will end?
Sapnap POV.

“You are so cute.” I heard someone whisper from somewhere else in the room. “I would love to just keep you here in my sight so I can admire you for the rest of my life.”
“You want to keep me on a dinosaur infested island?” Another voice responded, giving a small chuckle as he spoke.

Karl was beside me, still contently asleep and I looked over towards the bed. Sometime after I had gone to sleep Dream had moved himself from beside me over to the bed, where he now sat beside the reporter. The two of them were wrapped up around each other and were kissing at each other.

“Dream stop.” George giggled as the blond pressed another kiss to him. “I need to go to the bathroom. Please stop kissing me~”
“Fine.” The blond grinned. “Just be fast George, and be careful.”

The brunette gave him a sound of reassurance before walking off. When he was gone the blond looked over at me. “How long have you been watching, stalker?” He questioned with a grin.
“I think the better question is how long have you two been all lovey-dovey?” I responded. The blond merely blushed, looking away for a few moments.

“So…” I prompted, giving him a look. “How long have you two been dating?”
“Since last night.” Dream explained. “After you went to bed he told me that he was cold and so I went and laid with him.” I let out a ‘huh’ noise, finding what he was talking about interesting. “Then we talked and somehow ended up together.”

“That’s boring.” I scoffed. “It just happened, nothing romantic, nothing…” I cut myself off when I saw his expression, my own face twisting into a smirk. “You’re so sly Dream.” I chuckled with an eye roll before leaning back in my seat. “Honestly, we were in the same room as you.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He defended. “You don’t know what I did.”

George slowly tramped himself back into the room, sitting beside the blond with a shiver. “It’s so cold outside.” He muttered, leaning closer to the blond. In his hand was a crumpled bit of paper and a pen. After taking a moment to wake himself up he sat it on his lap.

“What are you doing?” Dream asked curiously, leaning over his shoulder to see what he was doing. He completely ignored me, looking at the brunette as though he was the most interesting thing in the word.
“Writing an article.” George answered. “If I am going to die then at least…”

“You aren’t going to die.” Dream reassured, quick and firm. I noticed the quick nod George gave him before his head fell back down.
“Well regardless, I wanted to write a report on my experiences… I am a journalist after all. It is only fair that the public learnt the truth about this place.”

I glanced over at Karl. I knew if information got out about this place Jimmy would be pissed, and he would take it out on people like Karl. Yet I didn’t speak, I didn’t even dare to look at George as he began scribbling down notes. “So what experiences are you writing about?” Dream’s head rested on his shoulder as he asked the question.

“About how everything in the park shut down without notice. About how all the gates opened and dinosaurs were allowed to travel freely. Then about how it’s been two days and nobody has attempted so much as to contact us to check if we were okay” The blond wordlessly nodded, listening to us.

For a few moments there was nothing as he continued to write. Karl was beginning to stir and I turned his head to put it against my chest. As he realised what was going on I hushed him, that way he wouldn’t end up making noise and distracting the pair of love-bugs on the bed. His brows fluttered as he looked at me.

“What’s going on?” He quietly asked, taking a moment to stretch his back which ached after resting on the harsh floor for almost eight hours.
“George is writing.” I whispered to him. “He’s writing an article. Apparently he’s planning on exposing what’s been going on at the park.”

“So he’ll potentially expose Jimmy?” The brunette looked down, conflicted. “He’ll potentially expose all of us?” I nodded, a hand brushing through his hair as he spoke.
“Unfortunately...” I muttered. “It seems as though this is going to be the downfall of all of Jimmy’s absurd money making insurance scams.”

The brunette’s face scrunched up, it was saddening since he seemed annoyed and he was much more beautiful when he wasn’t annoyed. With a hand cupping his face I gave him a loving kiss. “Karl, you don't need to be worried about this.” I told him. “You have no part in this. Aside from your job you have nothing connecting you to Jimmy.”

“I’m just worried.” He muttered. “I know there is no evidence, but we’ve been friends for years, even if there aren't heaps of reports to show me involved with him. Then there’s also Chandler… Nolan… and Kris is my best friend of all…” Karl sighed. “What will happen to all of them? They might hate me if I allow George to-”

“What are you both whispering about?” We raised our gazes to see both Dream and George looking at us. It was Dream who had asked the question, although from the way he was looking at us it seemed he had some sort of idea.

“Oh…” Karl hesitated. “Sapnap was just telling me something.” He lowered his head back down onto my chest and I studied him cautiously.
“What was Sapnap telling you?” As we looked over at George he seemed completely recovered, both his injured arm and the poison gone as he scribbled his notes.

Even though those injuries both happened yesterday, within the span of about six hours no less, he was easily writing with his arm as though nothing had happened. “I was just telling him about how you had managed to call someone last night.”
“You had?” George asked, glancing over at the blond.

“Yeah.” Dream nodded. “I heard something, but it… um didn’t seem overly useful.” The blond glanced over at me, seeming annoyed that I had exposed that to him. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up.” Although George seemed conflicted he seemed to understand it.
“Oh… okay, I’ll get back to writing then.”

Dream gave a caring nod as George lowered his gaze back to the paper. Yet he still felt the need to give me another harsh stare.
1140 words

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