Tender Moments

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Chuckling to himself, the dark furred monkey picked Wukong up bridal style and planted a kiss on top of his head. "And you wanted to take care of me today." Macaque teased with a fond grin.

"Give me like... an hour and I can do that." Wukong gave the smug Warrior a flat stare. "Someone decided to fuck me till my legs went numb. The fact that I was a very willing participant is irrelevant."

"And that someone went into it hoping for exactly that to happen." Macaque's tail wagged, his smirk only growing. "I was just being a good partner and taking care of my mate's needs~"

Wukong shuddered, heat rising in his cheeks. He halfheartedly covered Macaque's face. "Gods, Liu'er. You can't just say that! I can't go again right now." His tail thrashed about behind him, betraying how happy he was with the other's words.

Macaque laughed. "Now you know why I said it was unfair!" He said, grinning. "I didn't even know what I was supposed to do when you said that the first time, but I couldn't do anything when you were so out of it."

Wukong flushed, the pink slowly spreading down his neck. "That's what you meant?" He squeaked, eyes wide as he watched the other laugh.

"You just dropped that on me out of nowhere before you were even really conscious." Macaque responded, wagging tail coming around to open the bathroom door. "I couldn't even ask you about it. Just had to wait until you were back in your right mind."

"I didn't mean to!" Wukong whined, hiding his face in Macaque's shoulder. "I wanted to wait until we were getting married to call you my mate! I wanted to make it special...." The Sage pouted as he realized that he was actually a little upset with himself for saying it before then.

Macaque smiled down lovingly at Wukong, kissing his head again. "I'm glad you said it. It makes this all feel more real somehow." He confessed, his own cheeks going a bit pink.

Wukong glanced up at him, eyes narrowing. "More real?" Confused, the older monkey tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

The Warrior tilted his head back, looking away from Wukong as he considered his words. "The last couple of days have just gone by so fast." Macaque said at last, looking down at the ginger monkey once more. "Like this has all been some kind of fantasy, a dream that could end at any moment. It's just... I guess attaching some kind of status makes it all feel real?" He offered a hesitant smile, eyes not quite meeting Wukong's anymore.

Wukong frowned, realizing what Macaque meant. "Hey, I get it." He gently placed a hand on Macaque's cheek. "I know what you mean." The King whispered, voice soft and cracking. "I... I'm kinda worried too. It's been a lot at once, hasn't it?" He braced himself, doing his best to be honest with the other. "And it's not fair that it happened like this. During a time like this."

Macaque drew in a breath, leaning against the hand as he looked down at Wukong. "I'm glad it got to happen." The ebony monkey sighed. "The timing doesn't make it any less stressful." He closed his eyes for a second, before opening them again. He couldn't run from this talk either. "When nothing ever goes right for us, I can't help but wonder what's about to come along and ruin it next."

"I'm not losing you again." Wukong firmly stated, eyes flashing gold as rage filled him at the thought. "I foolishly lost you once. Never again." He closed his eyes, swallowing down the fury harshly. The King took a deep breath. "Whatever comes, we'll face it together this time."

The Warrior's eyes widened at the sudden outburst. "Yeah." He said after a second, voice cracking. He smiled slightly. "Yeah, we'll be fine." The shadow monkey held Wukong closer. "But let's not do this now. I want today to be a good one, and I already failed the no crying rule I set." Macaque's tone was lighter now as he spoke. "Let's see if we can actually manage one good day."

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