Chapter 11

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I just wanted to take a second and dedicate this chapter be this persons comment on the last chapter made me really happy so I just wanted to say thank you

Heyyy sorry for the delay on this. I felt bad for not updating so I decided to just split the chapter up so that I could post this. Sorry again!

"Harry! I heard your date with Josh went amazing!" Jay said when I picked up her phone call.

"Yeah it was alright" I didn't feel like telling the truth about it today.

"Well that's great that you agree because you're going out with him again tonight!"

"What?" I nearly dropped my phone from shock.

"You're going out with Josh again tonight! He called me this morning hoping I would be able to help set up another date because he said he had forgotten to get your number last night. He's a bit silly sometimes,"

I give a fake laugh at that while I try and figure a way out of this.

"I'll drive you to the date again, he said he would pick you up if he could but unfortunately he has a meeting right before so he'll be coming straight from the office,"

"Jay I don't think i'll be able to go tonight,"

"Why not?"

"Well because I have work and because I have to pay the bills and take care of my kids. I can't go out two nights in row, I have to work,"

"Harry..." Oh no. She was using her stern mum voice.

"Jay" I say nervously.

"I know for a fact that you don't have work tonight so now i'm going to tell you this again. You're going out with Josh tonight and I'll pick you up at 6. Be ready," and with that she hung up the phone.

It was already 4 o'clock. To say I was nervous was an understatement. When you're growing up your parents always tell you that if someone does something inappropriate to you and you didn't give consent, that you should tell someone you trust and/or get help from the authorities. The thing they don't tell you is what it actually feels like to be violated like that and not know who you can trust. They don't tell you that when you become a victim of sexual assault, you're scared everyone will judge you, or that they won't believe you.

Going on these dates is the only thing that will make Jay accept me into the Tomlinson-Deakin family again. After Jay found out that I was kicked out of my home as a teenager, she was quick to welcome me in. She had always been a mother figure to me as a child and more so as a teenager. When Jay started hating me I tried to change, I tried to be what she wanted me to be but I just couldn't. The Tomlinson-Deakin family was all I had left. Besides my kids, I didn't have a family anymore.

It's all I've wanted, to just have a family that loves and supports me. That's all I want.

6 o'clock rolls around far too quickly for my liking and I hear the doorbell ring. I didn't put as much energy and thought into choosing an outfit tonight. If tonight is anything like last night it doesn't matter what I wear.

"Well.. that's an interesting outfit..." Jay says as she looks me up and down.

I grab my keys and call out to the twins that I'm leaving.

As I get into the car Jay sighs, "Is this really what you want to be wearing? A sweatshirt and jeans? C'mon Harry you can do better than this. Did you at least take a shower first? It doesn't look like you've even brushed your hair,"

"I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing and I don't care what he thinks. I don't even want to go out with him, Jay. He's nice and all but we just didn't click," I hold back on the whole part that he's a rapist and all that not so fun stuff. 

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