Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

I went upstairs and changed into my uniform for work and put some sweats on top. I skipped dinner. Again. We don't have a lot of money so I've been trying to save up as much as I can. The twins have no idea what I do to save up money nor do they know what I do to make money.

Being a high school drop-out limits my options when it comes to professions. Luckily, even though I'm 31, I still look like I'm 23. 


I pull up to the strip club that I work at and walk in through the back. I look at myself with disgust. I look pale and sickly. I'm too fat for this job but my ribs are showing. You can see my stretch marks from the twins along my stomach and my little tummy. My thick thighs and round bum.

I walk out onto the stage and start my routine, swaying my hips to the music and giving everyone a show. It's a Tuesday night at a gay strip club so most of the guys here are creepy old men. I finish my routine and collect the money that was thrown on stage.

My boss Simon tells me that I've been booked for 3 private sessions starting in room 2. This is where most of the money I earn comes from. If I get lucky the guy will give me a big tip and mostly keep his hands to himself. Sometimes I don't get as lucky.

I wasn't lucky this time. I walked into the room to start the private dance and I could already tell that this guy was a creep. I start my routine and when I get up close to him he starts touching me. I have to remember that I'm playing a character, so I take his hands away and finish the routine. He barely gave me a tip which sucks but oh well. I finish the other two rooms and do another stage performance and then I'm back in my dressing room getting changed into some sweats. I count up the money I made from tips, $63. Not awful but certainly not good. I look at the schedule so I can see when I'm supposed to come in next and I see that I was put on the schedule for tomorrow.

"Hey Simon, can I talk to you for a minute?" I say as I walk into my boss' office.


"So, I noticed that I'm on the schedule for tomorrow but I asked for tomorrow off a while ago. I told you I wouldn't be able to make it in. So was this a mistake or did you forget maybe...?"

"I didn't forget and it wasn't a mistake. You have to work tomorrow. Dave is sick and Luke works harder than you. Everyone else has another shift that day so it falls onto you."

"Okay... I understand that you might be down one person tomorrow but I can't work tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"If you can give me an actually good reason why you can't work tomorrow then i'll put you on the schedule for the next day. If you can't then... you're fired."

I gulped. He wouldn't think this is a good enough reason. This was going to backfire.

"Umm...well you's the anniversary of my boyfriend's passing. But he wasn't just my boyfriend... he's the father of my children and my soulmate. Please let me have the day. I rarely ask for days off."

"How many years will it be tomorrow?"

"...15 years"



"Get out. You're fired."

"Please! No! I need this job!"


"No! i'll leave, i'll leave"

I walked to my dressing room with my head hung and collected my things.

As I got back home I realized it was nearly midnight. Nearly 15 years have passed since my life collapsed. I went to check to make sure the kids were home. Thank god they were. I don't know what I would have done if I had to spend one of the hardest days of the year trying to get ahold of my kids and making sure they were safe. I think I might have actually lost my mind. I got into bed and the realization that I would have to find a new job as soon as possible set in. My job at the strip club was my highest paying job of the three that I work. I'm earning minimum wage from my job at the local bakery and barely anything from my job at a restaurant washing dishes. But barely anything is still something.

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