Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

WARNING! Homophobic slurs are used in this chapter. Also these are just characters. I am in no way saying this is how they would be like in real life or anything.


(Time jump... harry's bday)

"You are spending the day here and that is final!" My mother yells at me.

"But mum! I have plans with my friends in an hour! Please! I'll be back later, please just let me go out for a little bit, please!" I'm ready to get down on my knees and beg.

"No! Your grandparents are coming for the afternoon and then we are doing your birthday dinner here! Now stop complaining, you can see your friends at school!"

"Ok" I'm really bummed that I don't get to spend my birthday with my friends and boyfriend but I guess it makes sense.

I see my grandparents only a few times a year so them coming all the way out here is pretty special. After my grandparents leave I'm going to come out to my family. Hopefully I'll get a minute to slip out to Louis' place beforehand and possibly afterwards.

"Now go get dressed your grandparents will be here soon"

"Yes mum," I say and trudge up the stairs.

Don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents but... let's just say they're not very caught up with the times.


"Harry! Happy Birthday!!! You're getting so big! How are you, love? How's school going? Any girlfriends yet?" My grandmother asks as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Yes, yes, all very well! No girlfriend yet, but I do have my eye on someone," I chuckle while I walk over to my grandfather.

"Aww the little heartbreaker!" He laughs.

I love being in the presence of my grandparents because I feel a little bit more relaxed but since my mum was there she continued to nitpick everything about me. "Harry sit up straight" "Harry don't shove your mouth with food, you're not a pig" "Harry get off your phone" "Harry this" and "Harry that."

It's exhausting.

Finally after about 6, we had eaten dinner and cake and I received presents. I've really been trying to work on my eating habits. It's really hard but I want to get better for Louis. He deserves someone that he doesn't have to worry about. I just hope that he doesn't worry too much about me.

My grandparents leave and I go up to my room to call Louis. He's been texting me all day but I haven't been able to respond.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Louis picked before the first ring and immediately shouted so loud he could have bursted my eardrum.

"Thank youuuu!"

"I don't know if you've seen my texts but I'll paraphrase, I love you so much and you're the best boyfriend I could've ever asked for. You're so perfect and pretty and kind and gorgeous and smart and hot and nice and did I say pretty and perfect? I'll love you forever and I can't wait to grow old with you. I love you Hazza!" Louis makes a kissing sound at the end of his message.

"Stop, you're gonna make me cry" I say with a blush forming on my cheeks.

"Well it's all true. When can I see you? I really want to kiss you!"

"Um, well... I don't know exactly when but... I'm going to come out to my parents tonight. And when I say tonight I mean in like 20 minutes. So I guess in like an hour I can head over to your place? If that's cool with you of course."

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