Chapter 3

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A/N Lmk if anyone is liking this so far or if it's too confusing. This is kinda just a short filler chapter but it's also kinda important at the same time sooo... Enjoy!


When I got to the park, I found the tree I would always sit under. I could find that tree in my sleep if I wanted to. I sat under it and it was like I was 16 again. I remembered Louis kicking the ball around with Niall and Liam. Zayn would always chill out under the tree with me. Louis and Liam would take turns shooting the ball at the tree right above us. Apparently they liked to see their boyfriends cower in fear. That game quickly stopped after the first misfire, there were some angry words exchanged. On days Louis was feeling okay, we would still go to the park and watch our friends play except now Louis was the one sitting with me and Zayn was playing with Liam and Niall. I sat there and reminisced for about an hour before I was taken out of my trance by a familiar face, Niall.

Some time after Louis' death I lost contact with most people. Niall being one of them. I always felt a little guilty about it because Niall was one of my closest friends but when I told him I needed some time away from people (besides the twins) he said he understood. Most people did, including Liam and Zayn.

"I knew I might find you here."

"Niall. Hey. It's been a long time."

"Yeah, you know I kinda thought when you said you needed some time, you meant like a few months. Not 11 years."

"Hmm. Yeah sorry about that. Things have been... hectic." I say feeling guilty I didn't at least call every now and then.

"Nah don't sweat it. You've had your whole life turned upside down. I don't know what I would've done if I was you."

"Yeah well I should probably get going. I'll make sure to stay in touch with you more. Number still the same?


"Okay then." I waved goodbye and headed to my car. Speaking to Niall was harder than I thought it would be.

Off to the Lazy Dayz Diner.

I only come here three times a year but most of the staff know who I am and what I'll usually order. Louis and I would come here at least twice a month for a date and then a lot of times with our friends. Mary, one of the waitresses spots me the second I walk in. She knows the whole story of why I come in here and everything that happened to me. Mary has a warm and bubbly personality. She reminds me a lot of my grandma. Mary is a thin woman with silver hair that falls right below her shoulders. She rushes over to me and brings me into a tight hug. I quickly return the hug and just stay in that moment for a while. I do miss seeing Mary often but at the same time I can't bring myself to live in these memories very often.

"How are you doing love?"

"Oh you know, fine, good." I've been trying to assure her that I'm okay for the past 15 years.

"What would the real answer to that be?" She always could see right through me.

"Not the best. How about you? You've been doing okay?"

"Oh yes hun, I've been doing just fine. How about I get you some food, hmm? You're looking too thin, I got to get some meat on these bones!" She says as she leads me over to my usual booth. "Same as usual?"

"Yes please," I say as I take off my coat.

I sit in silence with myself as I remember all the times that Louis and I came here after one of his games or with some of his teammates. I remember our first date being here. He wouldn't let me pay for anything and since he didn't get a lot of money from his job, he took me here. I was completely fine with it because we already had so many special memories from here, that one more would make it even better. I remember our first fight as a couple being right outside of the diner. I don't even remember what it was about. Most of our fights weren't even fights, they were spats. They would go away the second Louis kissed me and we both apologized for being stupid.

Mary brings over my food. I always get what Louis used to order. It's just a simple cheeseburger but Louis would go on and on about how good it is and how it's so hard to find a place nowadays that makes a good cheeseburger.

"Thanks" I say to Mary before she walks away.

"Of course, do you need anything else?"

"No i'm okay, thank you though!"

I sit in silence remembering all the conversations and cute moments me and Louis shared together here. I finish up my food and try to get the check. Mary, being stubborn like she always is, won't let me pay. She tells me to pay with the promise that I will come visit her again. So I do. I mean she would see me on Louis and I's anniversary and on his birthday, but, just to reassure her, I promise. I don't make very many promises anymore because the last time someone made a promise to me, they broke it. And that unfulfilled promise, broke me.

I drive my way over to the graveyard. Another place that I could find in my sleep. I sit myself down next to Louis gravestone and start dusting off the top. I prepare myself for the waterworks.

"Hey babes, how are you? Hope you're well. 'S 15 years today since you broke your promise to me. The only promise you ever broke to me. Well besides the one about marrying me and us growing old together, but I just put those things together now." Been here less than 5 minutes and the tears are already streaming down my face.

"I really, really, really miss you. I wish I could've gotten one more hug from you. You always did give the best hugs. I could really use one of those hugs right about now. Jay was the closest to getting the hug just right in a comforting sense. I haven't gotten one of those hugs in years either. So... I think I really messed up with the kids. I didn't tell them about you an- and I don't know how they're going to forgive me. I really wish you were here right now. Remember when we were kids and everything was so much easier, my mom still talked to me, I wasn't pregnant, you didn't have cancer, and we both had massive crushes on each other that we had no plans on telling one another. If only life was still that easy."


Okay Chapter 3 done! Things are going to start to take off a little here in a bit so stick around, it's gonna get better! Don't forget to comment and vote!


Question of the day-

If you have one, who's your favorite member of 1D? Why?

Fun Fact of the day-

Rats will laugh out loud if you tickle them!

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