Chapter 10

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*Warning* Graphic depictions of r^pe

Sorry it has taken me so long to update but I was out of school for a while so it's been hard trying to catch back up and also this chapter has some heavy material so I wanted to make sure I got it right.

I'll put a recap at the end for anyone who doesn't want to read the scene

I pulled a light blue button up shirt on and paired it with black skinny jeans (image at the top). The blue of the shirt reminded me of Louis' eyes and how they would light up when he would see me with my hair down and all wild. So that's what I decided to do, I wore my hair down. I hear the doorbell ring, must be Jay.

"You don't look half bad, I almost expected you to wear sweatpants!" Jay laughed, hitting my arm playfully.

Yeah cause I totally don't want to be curled up in bed right now watching Gilmore Girls.

"Of course not! I want to look presentable,"

"Let's get going, shall we?"

Oh how I don't want to go on this date.

As we pull up to the restaurant I suddenly get very nervous. I haven't been on a date in years. I don't know what's expected of me anymore. Along the drive Jay was telling me all the things I needed to do on this date. With Louis it was easy because we had known each other for years, now... everything is different.

"How will I get home?"

"I thought we've already talked about this, he will drive you home,"

Great, my daughter will think of me as a slut even more than before. When I was getting ready Darcy kept telling me how much of a slut I was for going out with him.

"Harry...I want you to know, by doing this, you're one step closer to redeeming yourself with me and being accepted into the family again."

At least something good will come of this. I smiled at her and walked in. I saw a man sitting by himself at a table for two.

"Hi...are you Josh Dixon?" I say standing by the table awkwardly.

"Yes! Are you Harry?"

I nod my head and sit down. As I sat at the trendy restaurant, the ambiance was vibrant, with soft lighting and the hum of conversation filling the air. Yet, my mind was elsewhere, my thoughts drifting to the comfort of solitude and the love I once had.

Josh wasn't an unattractive man, he just wasn't my type. His personality also wasn't all there. Josh talked about his business and everything about his company, and yet I still can't figure out exactly what it is that he does. Josh was oblivious to my obvious boredom while he spoke about his life. I nodded politely and focused on eating my food.

With each passing moment, my discomfort grew, the weight of expectations pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. I longed to escape, to retreat into the sanctuary of my room.

As the evening wore on, I found myself struggling to maintain the facade of interest. I stole glances at my watch, silently counting down the minutes until I could make an excuse and leave. Yet, every attempt to steer the conversation towards an end was met with enthusiasm from Josh, who seemed oblivious to my disinterest.

"Are you two ready for your check?" Our waitress came over, she didn't know it but I was praising her existence.

"Yes we are" I say before Josh has a chance to interject.

"I thought we were having a good time?" Josh says to me obviously not wanting to go yet.

"We were...but I gotta get back home, kids and stuff" Good lie harry.

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