Are You Okay?

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"I think....I'm done for now..." He says. I nod, barley able to speak.

"Yeah...same." I say. He sighs contently.

"That was fun. Thank you." Cyno says to me.



I hug him tightly, taking in his scent. 

"I'm really tired." I say, knowing that it's only around 1 p.m. 

"Yeah, same honestly. Work's been mean to me and I want to make the most of our day off." Cyno says. I feel relieved knowing that he agrees with me. 

"By the way," he adds, "we can't sleep until we clean up." 

"Clean up?" I ask.

"Clean up all the fucking cum, dumbass." He says. I look at the bed. 

"Oh...right..." I say. Honestly, I just want to go to sleep, but I don't want to force Cyno to clean up my own mess. 

"Hey Cyno?" I ask. 


"How come I came way sooner than you? Like, how did you just hold on like that?" 

"I guess...practice?" 

"Archons....what's your body count?!?"

"Uh...five...maybe? But two were from the same person." 

My face shrivels up a bit. I know it's not about me, but I still hate the fact that I'm not the first. That I'm not special. And I hate that I'm not his. I'm one of six times. It's nothing new to him. 

"Nari, are you okay?" He asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm fine...I just..." I sigh deeply, feeling guilty. "...I'm fine. I guess I'm just a bit jealous. And scared." I answer. 

"About what? Babe, you know you can tell me anything." He says to me. I blush a bit. 

"Yeah....and I want to trust that. But I'm scared that I wasn't good enough...that you'll want to cheat on me." I reply. His eyes widen.

"I'd NEVER!" He says, squishing my face with his pointer fingers. I can't even stop myself, and I begin to cry. Cyno immediately pulls me close to him and hugs me tightly.

"Tighnari, I won't leave you. I promise. You don't need to worry about that." He says. Sniffling, I reply: 

"I love you so much...but I have really bad abandonment issues and I don't want to lose another person." 

"Until I die from getting my ass split open by you...hehe...I'll stay with you." He says, chuckling a bit. I squeeze him, and wipe my tears on his shoulder. 

"Sorry for that..." I apologize. 

"No worries. I'm here for you. For better or for worse." He replies. 

"Thank you.....thank you so much." I say. 

"Of course. Now, we should wash the sheets, right?" He asks. I look down, not even noticing that we're naked and covered in cum. 

"Yeah, heh." 


Cyno POV

I feel so bad that Nari is so insecure about our relationship. I feel like it's my fault. But then again, I know that he had an awful childhood with abusive parents, so I can't really blame him. 

With that, we take off the sheets without saying much, and toss them in the washing machine. I start a bath, putting my hand under the faucet as the water heats up. I grimace at how cold it is, but refuse to move my hand. 

Finally the water gets to a comfortable temperature and I call him over so bathe with me. He sits into the bath tub with me, and I go behind him to get the mess on his back, while he cleans his front side. 

It's kind of gross, when I looked at the bathwater I saw that it became white. Damn. While I'm rubbing him off, I can see his body shaking. I'm not sure if I should ask, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. 

"You okay? You're shaking." I ask him. His ears go down and he seems a bit embarrassed. 

"No, I'm fine. I just feel the cum going out my ass and it tickles." He replies. I chuckle. I had forgotten about that. 

"I'm glad you're okay, though." I say after a while. 

"Can you promise me something?" Nari asks me. 

"Depends, but let's hear it." I reply. 

"Can we be open with each other if something's not okay? Like, to not be secretive. I want to have that kind of be able to actually know what you're thinking. Can we do that? And, yes, that applies to me as well." He says. Interesting sales pitch. 

"Yeah, of course." I say, and kiss his cheek. 

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