I Love You Too

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"Ay, now that those pussies can't stop me, you gotta fight me like a real fucker." Kaveh said, gritting his teeth. Both Cyno and Alhaitham were desperately trying to calm Kaveh down and to protect Tighnari. 

He took a swing, right at Tighnari's head, but he was able to dodge it.

"What, are you on your man period or something?" He asked Kaveh, out of breath and shaking. 

"Like you're one to talk! Are you in your....fox....heat....thing?" Kaveh asked. Tighnari facepalmed. 

"No, idiot, foxes don't--" Tighnari began to say, but was interrupted by a sharp kick in his crotch. He fell over on the ground, writing in pain, while Alhaitham kept Kaveh from causing further damage.

Cyno immediately dropped to his knees and held Tighnari's head up. 

"Are you okay!?" He asked, shaking him a bit. Tighnari just whined a bit, unable to speak. Cyno hugged him, squeezing him closer to his own body. As a male, and a 'cop', he had taken a lot of blows. He knew very well that dick-kicks hurt. 

✨I'm a cis girl btw. Don't ask how I know these things :)✨


Tighnari's phone buzzed, and Cyno took it out of his pocket, so he could view the message. It was the test results. To respect him, Cyno didn't look. But from Tighnari's facial expression...it wasn't good. 

Tears welled in his eyes and the pain and the test combined caused Tighnari to start sobbing. Alhaitham turned around with an empathetic look on his face, using his arms to keep Kaveh away. 

"Hey, you okay, Nari?" He asked. He nodded his head and wiped his eyes, trying to save face. 

"I'm....hnng....okay...." Tighnari said weakly. 

"Aw, fuck..." Cyno said to Tighnari.  

"Nari, please tell me you're actually okay..." He said, almost demanding this time. Tighnari sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around Cyno. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, Cy. I just wasn't prepared..." he said, "but thank you for caring." Cyno nodded.

"Of course I care. You're so beaut--ahem." Cyno began to say, blushing and looking away because he knew both Alhaitham and Kaveh were seeing this. Tighnari grabbed Cyno's hand.

"Hey, can I do something that I'm gonna probably regret later?" He asked. Cyno was nervous, but nodded. Tighnari smiled and held Cyno's face in his hands, giving him a kiss.

Both of their faces turned red, and Kaveh stopped screaming and just stared in awe as the two kissed. Alhaitham broke the silence.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He yelled, flailing his arms wildly. 

"Homo duo~" Kaveh smirked. 

"...That doesn't make sense, Kaveh." Alhaitham said. 

"Eh." Kaveh shrugged. 

"So...you two a thing?" Alhaitham asked, pointing at the two, tilting his head a bit. 

"I don't know what we are, honestly..." Tighnari said. 

"What do you...want us to be?" Cyno asked, giving Tighnari another kiss.

"Well, maybe we could-"

"You're acting like you're an old married couple." Kaveh interrupted. Alhaitham sighed and covered Kaveh's mouth with his hand. 

"Continue." He said. Tighnari glanced back to Cyno, before continuing to speak. 

"Would you like to officially....be boyfriends?" He asked, turning somehow even redder. 

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