He was just holding me, calming me down, but this is different. The way he threw us in here has his hand pressed in between my ass and the locker door. His breath is choppy, either from the closeness or the danger that we currently find ourselves in. The heat of his breath is ghosting my cheek as heat starts to pool in my lower stomach. Oh this is so not the time to be turned on, but it's hard not to when he is setting my body on fire with his touch. I risk a glance at his face and our lips are just millimeters away from touching mine for the second time tonight.

Scott starts whispering for, who we now know is the janitor, to be quiet as we all fall out of the lockers. He is yelling at us to get out as he refuses to listen to us and shoos us out of the locker room. Stiles is again, pulling me around the school. Since we entered the school he has refused to leave my side. Well besides running out the doors to grab the bolt cutters, I'll make sure to remember to yell at him properly for that later.

Getting to the front doors of the school we try and push our way through but something seems to be pushed in front of it. "The dumpster" my brother concludes. "He pushed it in front of the doors so we couldn't leave." Stiles adds from my right, holding on tightly to my hand. "Oh god. I'm not dying here. Not at school." He mumbles anxiously. "I'm going to die a virgin..." I whisper, causing Stiles to whip his head around and stare at me. My brother looks at us confidently and states "We're not going to die."

"Derek said we are stronger in a pack.. He wants me." Of course he does.. Why wouldn't he? I mean all he did was turn you! "Oh, great. A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. That's just great." Stiles snides sarcastically.

We ran into a classroom and trapped the Alpha inside. And it seemed to be going well, that is until Stiles decided that he needed to tease the fuckin thing through the window in the door causing it to jump up into the ceiling... Yes, the ceiling.. How is this my life right now?

Running away from where we hear it following us Scott stops us. "Do you hear that?" He asks us, as if we too, had were hearing. "Hear what Scotty?" I decided to ask "It sounds like... like a phone ringing." His head whips the other direction, before he starts running he tells us that it sounds like Allison's phone. Why the hell is she here?? My brother takes my phone and calls Allison off of it. "No, it's me. Where are you?" I hear my brother whisper into the phone. "Where are you right now?" He asks again. "Where? Where are you exactly?" I can hear my twin getting frustrated having to ask the same question multiple times. "Get to the lobby. Now." He orders before hanging up the phone and handing it back to me.

We find Allison in the lobby of the school completely oblivious to the danger that is currently roaming around in the ceiling. "Why did you come here?" My brother asked urgently, lightly running his hands down the side of her face. "... Uh because you asked me to?" He stops his movements "I asked you to? What? Allison, I still don't have a phone." Stiles decided to interrupt "Did you drive here?" He rushed out. "Uh, no. Jackson did." Jesus, who else is here? "And Lydia is here too somewhere." Oh this is just perfect.

After meeting up with everyone in the cafeteria Scott and Jackson start barricading the doors. Stiles keeps repeating for them to stop but I think that I am the only one listening. "Will you help me? The chairs— stack the stairs." My brother instructs the other girls when I turn my attention to what Stiles is trying to say. "Guys- Can we please just wait a second." Looking to the giant row of windows Stiles is desperately trying to point out, I call out "Scotty. Stop!" I get his attention and he looks over.

Stiles waves his arms out to showcase the wall of windows "Nice work everyone. But what are we going to do about this giant twenty foot wall of windows?!" I hear Allison and Lydia start crying. "Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?" She wails looking over to Scott. Stiles speaks up slowly "Somebody killed the janitor." Lydia looks up at us now "What!?" Jackson moves to stand in front of Allison protectively. Weird.. but okay. "What? Who killed him?" He demands

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now