chapter 16: no more happy meals for the hades twins

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Chapter 16: no more happy meals for the hades twins .

Walking to the McDonald's would have been easy. Better even. Jason wished they would have walked. Nope. They fell , rolling head first or on their sides or head over heels down the long sand dunes leading towards the valley where the wonderful McDonald's awaited.

As they walked towards the glass door , welcoming them in , Jason had the realization none of them probably had any money.

"Does anyone have any money on them?" He called out as they all desperately searched their pockets. "None of us have money, but I do know a way to get some." Angel smirked at her brother who shook his head vigorously. "No angel. No." He warned but angel was already holding up her hands and shaking her fingers. "Are you seriously calling up the dead?!" Edmund squeaked jumping behind Jason and quivering.

"What else would a kid of hades be doing, having a tea party?" Charlie incredulously asked . "Not just calling up the dead." Willow noted , "she's calling the dead to empty their pockets of any loose change."

"Isn't that stealing!?" Edmund translated for Bianca who was moving her hands wildly. Gratefully she nodded at him as if to say thank you. "You're welcome ." He murmured , his heart fluttering a bit when she gave him a small smile.

Skeletal hands began to crawl at the sand , climbing up.

Half the group screamed and jumped back only to be clawed at by more.

" I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS MANY!!" Angel cried out looking alarmed . "WE'RE IN FLIPPING TARTARUS , WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU EXPECT?" Lucky yelled , drawing his sword.

"Jason! your the only one who kinda has Roman heritage! They'll listen to you!" Angel shouted , her dark eye

Once again, as always , Jason was thrown into leadership. And once again, he was lost at what to do.

"Ehhhh..." he couldn't think of the right phrase!

The skeletal armies kept rising until they massed by the millions. "Empty your pockets!! " Jason shouted, lifting Bianca on to his back to protect her from the pressing masses.

"Something something in a fancy language bipity bopity boo!" Edmund cried out trying his best and failing.

At least the armies weren't murdering them. yet.

"All we wanted was money for happy meals!!!" Lucky cried out lifting Willow , daughter of Apollo over his shoulders. She began playing her harp in loud sharp notes trying to get their attention .

"Empty out your pockets!" Willow sang, her voice not quaking once as she sang clearly and softly along with the harp notes.

begrudgingly the skeletons obeyed.

Amongst the roman legions, redcoats, french mercenaries, and american soldiers, they came up with enough money to buy the mcdonalds itself. '

"Return from whence you came." Lucky said dismissively. One of the roman skeletons cocked its head to the side, opening its jaw. A creaky voice poured out of its white gaping mouth. "I dont take anymore orders from a child of hades. Only Hades himself can command us."

"Get inside." Angel murmured pushing charlie behind her.

"What are you doing!?!?!" charlie cried out as the skeletons began to draw their weapons.

"Creating a diversion. This was my fault, and mine alone. Im going to be the one to fix it."

Angel stood her ground, her long dark hair swinging a little bit in the light breeze.

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