Chapter 2 : Leo Valdez accidentally explodes our wedding cake

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The day had FINALLY arrived. Annabeth and I were already married in the eyes of like everyone. But today Camp Half-Blood was throwing us a huge party as in like a" Yay theyre married celebration!!" the magical Borders are to keep Mortals out, but Posideon made a deal with the guy who makes the borders and now my mom and Paul and Estelle can come and hang out with us.. Annabeths mom still doesn't really approve of me but im used to parental disappointment by now. Its like a hobby for us Half-Bloods. Blue banners are curled around the arches and i know from the handiwork, the nymphs and satyrs have all been hard at work. Patting the pocket of my jeans i feel Riptide safe in its spot at a moments notice. I hoped and prayed things would be fine and that i would never have to use Riptide in a battle again, especially defending those i love. But those troubled thoughts didn't really last long once I saw Annabeth. The girls from the Aphrodite Cabin had dolled her up, but not so much she didn't look like herself, she looked like Annabeth. But she looked like Annabeth when i first met her and every day after that. Angelic. The bright sunshine glowed off the lake as Apollo himself smiled down.. annabeths white Grecian off the shoulder wedding gown was cinched at the waist with a golden belt. Some kind of Roman fur cape hung off her shoulders. I am dressed similarly in a dress shirt and pants but with his own fur cape as well. "Well, don't you look - Roman?" Grover coughed behind them tugging at the collar of his shirt. "Why do I have to wear this itchy thing?" He whined slightly but at a promise from Annabeth that he got to eat the ring pillow after the ceremony he quieted about the dress shirt. I sort of agreed with him about the itchy part, but it was a special day therefore discomfort was just expected.

Music began to play as I said goodbye to Annabeth for a few moments , and waited at the end of the petal covered aisle. The nymphs and satyrs really outdid themselves with the decorations. Woven greenery and flowers decorated every path and wove around the tree branches with small lights in them in almost an aura affect. I didn't even hear the song will solace was playing over the speakers (specially installed just for this occasion) until I heard the words "kiss the girl."

Sha la la la la my oh my don't wanna be to shy

Go on and kiss the girl

Shalalalalala ain't that sad ain't it a shame to bad don't wanna miss the girl.

Accompanied by Leo and frank, the bridesmaids walked down. Hazel on Frank's arm , Piper on Leo's arm. The rest of our friends sat sprinkled throughout the audience of demigod campers. Dionysius himself wanted to perform our ceremony and we couldn't exactly say no.

The music faded away as I looked into annabeths eyes. "You ready seaweed brain?" She whispered with a small smile. I was reminded of everytime she had said that nickname for me over the years, from the first time when we were twelve to when we were in the depths of Tartarus together. "Whenever you are wise girl." I responded with a small smile of my own. "Dearly beloved....:. Bla bla bla , we're gathered here today to bla bla bla , unite these two in marriage bla bla bla a bunch of boring stuff... get on with the vows." I couldn't help but slightly chuckle , Mr. D never got old. Annabeth ignored some of the chuckles in the crowd as she reached into her pocket and drew out a folded paper which she then made a show of opening and blowing dust off of it. Even I had to restrain myself from laughing.

"Percy Jackson...." She began "other wise known as seaweed brain." She stopped as some campers in the audience chuckled softly. "Keep going," I whispered encouragingly, knowing she would get angry at anymore interruptions. "Ever sense the day I met you I have realized something , whether we are trekking through hades and Tartarus , or fighting monsters back to back, I knew we were always going to be battling side by side for the rest of Our lives. Now that our battles are over, I'm excited to be on a new adventure with you." She sniffled unable to continue, my fingers swiped away her tears gently from her cheeks as Annabeth smiled gratefully at me.

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