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Yn pov:
I opened my eyes to the sunlight from window and saw yoongi. I sat up and combed my morning hair with my hands and rubbed my eyes harder. But yoongi softly held my hands telling me stop

Yoongi: you will hurt your eyes yn...

Yn: Hmm

Yoongi: you didn't do your hair last night?

Yn: no

Yoongi: why?

Yn: i just didn't...

Yoongi: let me do it for you...

Yn: you don't have to ...

I ignored her protest and went to the dressing table. I grabbed a comb and a band. I started combing her hair to braid it.

Yn: i heard you have a girlfriend...jimin told me

Yoongi: will jimin say every fucking thing to you?

Yn: we have been friends for more than 20 years ...so yeah

Yoongi: yes i have...kim minji it is...

Yn: hey wai--

Yoongi: you are going to be my relative yn...i know she is your cousin and that makes me your brother in law(smile) truth be told, if i know you before i would proposed to you

Yn:(chuckles)stupid cat..... so you knew me before?

Yoongi: she has talked about you a lot. When her mother was fighting with cancer she told me that you will be with her leaving all your school works. I will make her jealous by saying that you are beautiful

Yn: no one in our family had some serious illness like that. I am happy that her mom is alive.

Yoongi: and done...

I looked at her hair and i felt proud of myself. I braided her hair neatly in a single plait. I decided to ask her about last night.

Yoongi : what happened last night exactly!

Yn: i went to yeonjun to ask for the previous year notes for soobin. He was doing some work with jungkook. I told him that i will carry on his work and i told him to get the notes for soobin. Jungkook talked to me about my ex. But i didn't care. He started touching me, when i was about to go he pushed me on the couch. I saw you going out so i was about to shout and thats when hoseok slapped me.

Yoongi: thats the reason of the handprints?

Yn: Hmm...

Yoongi: then..?

Yn: they dragged me into the room and.......

Yoongi: its okay i understand...did they go too far?

Yn: the kids were searching me so they didn't

Yoongi: yn...have you ever heard about the royals of silla?

Yn: the mins?

Yoongi: the royal mins... Are you a royal?

Yn: yes i am ...my ancestors are the rulers of north realm completely. They held the capital city

Yoongi: i am sure your mom told you the tales of how the royal women grew in the past. They were fed with small amount of poison daily and were locked in snake chambers to increase their power and bravery

Yn: i know...

Yoongi: the thing you said yesterday is a shame for the total dynasty. You told that you will resign. Who in the hell runs away from a small boy?i would have killed you for my anger. How the fuck you became so coward.

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