Both of them ran back to where they were previously seated and continued watching again before Iona shouted, "It's really funny, it's about the french massacres. Ye should come watch it!"

An awkward chuckle escaped me as I thought; who the Hell allowed them to watch this? as I made my way to the kitchen. "Maybe later, first I've got to make some breakfast. What would you like?"


"Pancakes it is, then."

Cooking is nothing new to me, I love it dearly. Perhaps more than I could ever interpret, it's just a part of me now. It brings me peace and comfort in a way that may seem unusual but is entirely undeniable. 

One loves reading, one loves sports, I love cooking.

I took out the ingredients and started getting to work. 

First off, I sifted the dry ingredients together, then added the wet ingredients and started to combine them together. After that was done, I scooped the batter and put them onto the frying pan and listened as they sizzled once they made contact. After flipping them over, I placed them on different pates and took out some stencils to cut them into little star shapes for the children.

Finally, I drizzled some honey on top and added cut bananas on the side.

I took out some forks and placed the pancakes in front of the girls so they could start eating. "Hey girls, do you know when your big sister is coming home?"

Jean turned up to me with a mouth full of bananas and said, "She's coming when you guys leave. She didn't want to interrupt you or somethin', I d'know. If ye want her, ye can call her."

"No that's- that's okay, baby. Eat your food."

I walked over to the kitchen to clean up the mess I've made when I saw König walking up to me. "Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well?"

"Hey, König. Yeah, I slept just fine. Made some breakfast for the girls, if you want I could make you some?"

His hands were fiddling as he seemed incredibly nervous."Yeah, I'd really like that, if you don't mind?"

"Oh, nonsense. I asked you. Do you want pancakes?"

"Is that the lovely smell?"

I threw my head back in laughter. "You could say so."

"Let's make pancakes together, for everyone."

We took back the items I had returned and got to work, spilling many things in the process. König grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at my back without me knowing. "Oh my God, you are so going to pay for that!"

I tried to grab the flour back but he held it above his head, laughing at how I couldn't reach it. "Oh, you wanna play dirty, huh? Okay, I'll show you dirty."

Dipping my finger into the batter, I smudged a bit onto his nose. He stood still and stared at me for a little bit before smudging his already flour-stained hand all over my face. "König! I just showered!"

"Yeah? Well, so did I!" 

"Oh my God, it's in my hair!"

"It's on my clothes."

"You're clothes were ugly anyways, König, it's fine. But look at me!"

He started laughing his ass off but I couldn't see what was so funny. "König, I'm covered in flower."

"You look so cute, though!"

"No, I don't!" I went over to the sink and started washing my hands, "Because of this, you're continuing the pancakes. I'm not doing anything else."

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