Chapter 22 ~ who am i?

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Who is she?

(Y/n Pov)

"Tell us what?" Sam finishes sorting out red wing, who helped us get into the base.

"It's okay, tell them." Bucky supports, his hand is comfortably on my back, keeping me up from the gash on my thigh.

"Just tell us already! Why did you start attacking us like a mindless monster?" Tony throws his hands in the air, more exasperated my the second.

Monster. That's what I am, that's what I'll always be. A monster. And there is no point hiding it now.

" 'Cause he said the words! All he has to do is say the fucking words." I sigh, feeling the confused stares land on my face, darker than they've seen.

"Do you mean- like Bucky's.. you know.. words?" Steve starts to understand.

I hesitate looking down, before slowly nodding my head, ashamed.

"So what? You're like another Winter Soldier?" Tony's expression twists more and more angry the more secrets he found out I've kept.

I take a deep breath, as I look towards Natasha who give an encouraging nod.

Breathe, just breathe. They deserve to know.

"Not exactly The Winter Soldier." My voice waivers through my breath. I look up and everyone's faces are more confused than before.

A moment of silence passed the room, echoing the walls, taunting me. It is deafening.

Wanda's face softens at the realisation, the expression is uncommon when I'm in the matter, but it is appreciated none the less.

"Well what other mindless zombie assasins do we kn-" Tony's face falls, then it morphs into betrayal, anger, hatred. "You- you, you're her."

"Please, I- I'm sorry." My eyes meet his, whose clearly only sees red.

"She's who?" Thor interrupts, oblivious to the situation.

"Let's open the file up, shall we?" Tony spits venom.

Tony loads the file containing my true identity onto the hollagram. My name. My face when I was her. Photos of The Red Soldier. My age. My weight. My height. Me.

My secrets spill to everyone in the room, like a cascade of blood, pooling at our ankles.

Gasps of shock filled the room, all eyes were on me.

"Did you two know about this?" Tony gestures towards Natasha and Bucky, more betrayed, more furious. His eyes alone could set this place alight.

Both of them nod, not realising that Tony would get this angry.

"Why!? Why would you hide this?" Tony screams in my direction. "Let me guess you're gossiping with your little HYDRA friends about us? You liked it there! Not with us, with me."

"No, you don't get to tell me that." I step forward, the fire spreads through my body. "You weren't there! You didn't see what they did! You don't get to tell me that I liked it."

"Oh but you did though, didn't you? Laughing about us to all your buddies, you loved not being able to see me!" Tony accuses. "Who even are you you? Because you're not my daughter."

"Shut up! Shut up, okay! You weren't there. And guess what, this might be new to your close minded brain, but there weren't any friends, you were alone! I hated it!" I burn with anger throughout my body. "If you were in my position you wouldn't have lasted one day."

"Oh I beg to differ." He spits.

"You don't get it." I shake my head, desperately not letting the tears spill.

"I get it just fine, your too pathetic, too weak to deal with this. News flash, that's life so stop crying about it." He gives a disapproving glare.

"She's the strongest here." Bucky backs me up. "She went everyday staying strong for you! Everyday with reminders of what she's done, and acted like she was fine so no one would worry. And you didn't see what they did to her, much worse than what they did to me or anyone here. So don't you dare say she is weak, because if you actually think that then you're just lying to yourself so you feel better."

I look up to Bucky and gratefully smile as much as I could.

"Shut up you're just as bad!" Tony points to Bucky.

"Hey Tony, you need to calm down." Sam interrupts.

"How are you not angry? That bitch has been lying to us since day one." Tony faces Sam. "Pathetic excuse of a daughter." Tony scoffs.

"She did what she thought was right. But let's not focus on that." Sam reasons, leading him away with Steve following behind.

I feel the blood that once flowed out of my leg, has stopped. I sigh and look up to Bucky, who is already looking my direction.

"You okay?" He seems genuinely concerned.

"As good as I can be." I smile softly to him, in which he smiles back.

He pulls me closer, wraps his strong, secure, safe arms around my waist. My head rests against his chest, hearing the thump of his heart beating.

(A/n, just wanted to say happy 107 birthday Bucky! 10th March 2024. Also I'm so sorry about this chapter 😭😭)

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