Chapter 1~The kidnapping

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In this shirt.

(A/n sorry this chapter is so short but it is vital to the story, also the first few chapters are backstory that you need to know otherwise the rest of the sorry wouldn't make sense, also please listen to the song because it adds meaning to the story)

(Y/n Pov,tw, this is the past, y/n is 7, 15 years from the present)

It was the middle of the night. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. Suddenly, I heard the floorboards creak, there were harsh whispers coming through the crack underneath the door.

What is that? Is dad awake? Probably nothing.

I saw a shadow seep into my room.

I heard the doorknob twist. My heart raced faster and faster with every second that went by.

I tilted my head upwards until my eyes met the door. I was greeted by two male figures. One looked tall, muscular. The other looked shorter but still taller than me. Both of them carried a gun. My eyes were frozen in place in confusion and terror.

Dad told me to be careful of these sort of men. Why are they here?

The taller figure stepped into the warm gaze of my penguin night light. "I belive this is the girl." He whispered coldly.

Me? That Can't be right! What do they want?!?!

I shuffled back until my head hit the wall. The bang from my head startled me, then the other man also stepped into the light to get a better look at me.

The first man came a little closer. "Don't worry little girl we won't hurt you", he continued, "you just need to come with us."


I stumbled off of my bed and looked cowardly at them."n-no thanks" I replied.

The shorter man glared at me in pure disgust, I think he thought I was crazy or had a death wish.

"I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood. I wasn't asking." The taller man sneered.

I wish dad woke up and saved me. Please wake up. Is this some horrible nightmare?

I tripped backwards, falling to the floor. I could feel my heart pounding, my head hurt so much but I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins. A shiver travelled down my spine as the men approached closer and closer , I thought it was the end but looking back now I wish it was.

Am I going to die? Am I already dead? Is this hell?

The two men walked towards me and grabbed my armpits. They dragged me out of the house as I begged them to stop and screamed for my dad. "DAD! HELP MEE!" I screeched but it wasn't enough to wake him because we had reached the door by then. "DADD! PLEASE!"

One of the men muttered, "silence! We will make your father pay for what he did to us."

My lip quivered at the thought of what they would do to me if I disobeyed, after all they both had guns. A quiet sob escaped my mouth. "...please."

What did my dad do to them?

As they loaded me into the back of their truck in the deadly night-time covering their crimes, both men spoke clearly, "hail HYDRA." They declared in unison when they simultaneously slammed the truck doors. I stumbled back onto the cool steel floor, sending pulses up and down my spine.

Who are they and what do they want with me?

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