Chapter 5~ Turning Point

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Back in black.

(Y/n Pov, y/n is now 22 this is now the present!)

I've been sent on an assignment to assassinate one of HYDRA's biggest enemies. Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark has caused many problems for associations like HYDRA, such as stolen one of HYDRA's best assets, taken down many HYDRA bases, and killed more agents than you could count, became a technological rival.

My job is to kill him. I have been trained to kill threats and follow orders so this wasn't much of a problem for me. I have my rifle set up just outside his immense security technology, just waiting for the right moment.

It is dead at night and Tony Stark will be just as dead by morning. I am hidden on the mountain outside his mansion so he cannot detect me.

I see him. I have my finger resting on the trigger waiting for the gun to line up.

I hear footsteps approaching. I turn around and see a man with an eyepatch.

"Ma'am I belive this is private property and you will have to come with me." He threatened in a low voice.

I ignored him.

A man came up behind me a grabbed my hand but it wasn't the man with an eyepatch he had a name tag that spelt "Agent Coulson". He handcuffed me but wasn't violent like HYDRA is. He was helpful, kind, and gentle.

They took me onto their helicopter. The entire time I didn't utter a word. I sat there like a puppet without a master. I have gone rogue.

This meant I had failed HYDRA, again. I rarely failed after last time. A hulking guilt weighed heavily on my shoulders.

I am sat at a table with a one-way mirror, handcuffed. The man with an eyepatch walked in and sat opposite me.

"You're probably wondering why we need you and how we found you, correct?" He said.

Yes, obviously.

I ignored him again.

"Let me awnser some questions. We know who you are, Red Soldier." My head shot up and I looked him in his one eye. "You are wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D, I am Director Nick Fury. S.H.I.E.L.D wants to help you, I can offer you a job with the Avengers and get your memories back, I just need a few things from you. I need to know who you are, and you need to help me take down a few organisations." He continued.

"You know who I am." I smirk, ignoring the last part.

"Although that is somewhat true, I would like to do a DNA test. I understand this is a hard decision and you can't trust me but I am offering an escape from HYDRA since we need more Avengers to take them down and you know the place inside out. I can get you a pardon for your crimes at the court." Nick fury said. "If not I will just hand you over and you can live a lonly, unloved life in the raft."

Maybe this is a chance to live the life I dream of.

The trigger words for the Red Soldier are starting to wear off. HYDRA is no longer in control.

Should I do it? The last time I trusted someone I ended up in the hands of HYDRA the mess I am in right now. But if I take his offer I can explore the world like I always wanted. I am loyal to HYDRA though. Am I loyal to HYDRA? Let's take the risk it can't be worse then before, right?

"Okay, I will do it." I say in a nervy voice.

"Glad to hear it. Follow me." He said.

He took me into a room that looked like a modern lab. Not like HYDRA's old, run-down, rusted lab. There were hollagrams and computers everywhere, the bright, white lights filled the room.

"Sit here," He said pointing to a white bed. "We will do a DNA test to find out your name and family."
(A few days later)

"Fury we have the results back." A woman in a snowy lab coat said as she handed them to Fury.

He turned to me. "Your name is Y/n Stark, the daughter of Tony Stark."

"That's who I was sent to kill, right?"

"Yes miss Stark it is."

I don't think I will ever get used to that.

"Once you have regained more memories I will introduce you to the rest of the Avengers." Fury stated. "I will also like to see what kind of skills you have and your strengths."



My dad told me to be careful of these sort of men. Why are they here?


"Dad I'm scared."

"It's okay honey, just a bad dream. I will always protect you." Tony Stark promised in a hushed voice.


"I promise kid now get some sleep."

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