Chapter 7~ I hate you!

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I see red.

(Tony's Pov)

"What have we got then?" I try to change the subject. "Do we know where this girl is?"

"FRIDAY has confirmed she hasn't left the building, just tracking security footage now." Bruce explains.

"What do you think her running out was about then?" I ask.

"No idea. Fury anything you want to tell us?" Natasha expresses.

"Romanoff, you know I can't." Fury informs.

"FRIDAY has picked her up on footage, we have a location." Bruce announced.

We all run to the location. I find her crying in her knees. Sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. She acknowledges that we are all here and looks up to find us all staring at her like she is crazy. She wipes her tears away and acts like we didn't all just see that.
(Y/n Pov)

I realise they are all staring at me like I am mental. Not truly understanding why or what I am doing.

Wipe the tears away they can't see you weak like this. You shouldn't be weak like this. Why am I acting like this? I should be happy I got all my memories back now not sad! Yes, they were triggered by something or should I say someone. Forget about it, that's what I'm best at, right, forgetting everything!

"You okay kid?" Stark asks with an odd sense of worry in his voice, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Mhm." I balance myself and stand up while wiping the remaining tears in my eyes.

"You sure about that?" He remarks.

"Yes! Now just... just drop it!" I growl.

He then grabs my wrist and pulls me backwards so I couldn't walk away. I saw Bucky standing behind him. We exchange death stares. We speak of a million things without uttering a word.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you y/n." Tony confesses pulling me out of my trance like state.

"It's too late now." I reply numbly. My eyes started to well in tear but I held them back. Tony obviously realised my eyes are glossy and shares a sympathetic glance.

Why now? Why would he want to make amends now? He has done enough. He abandoned me, left me, he never cared.

"What are they on about?" Clint whispers to Natasha hoping we would pick up on it, I did.

"No clue." She responds.

Tony looks at them then at me. To which I give a small nod knowing what he means.

He takes a deep breath, "y/n is my daughter."

I felt all eyes on me. I just looked to the ground.

Suddenly my feet have become really interesting.

I glance up again. I see Bucky staring at me, again. We lock eyes before he walks over while the other mumble to each other.

"What was that about? Huh." He spat. "Just got to be begging for attention. I guess nothing changed."

"Dont talk to me about not changing!" I huffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're the same heartless killer HYDRA made you to be. And still jealous of me i see." I laughed.

"That's not true!" He shot defensively.

"Keep telling yourself that! But we both know who you truly are deep down...Солдат(Soldier)." I giggled with how mad it makes him. You can see the rage building in his eyes.

I hate you more ~buckybarnes enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now