Chapter 20 ~ hiding in plain sight ~

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Dernière danse.

(Y/n Pov)

"Hello y/n." Dr. Raynor greets in a more positive attitude than mine.

I sit down on the sofa opposite her and her unusually obnoxious notebook, with a pen at the ready. "Hey." I awnser dryly, making up clear I don't want to be there.

"For this session, I'd just like to get to know you." She begins.

I glance at the clock, beginning to count down the minutes left of the longest hour I will ever experience.

"Okay, Do you have a best friend?"

"Yeah." I continue my short, uninterested sentences.

"Who?" She remains persistent.


"And, why is that?" She asks.

I shrug, although I know the awnser I'd rather not share it.

Dr. Raynor writes on her notebook and I roll my eyes before looking back to the clock.

"So, I'm guessing you don't want to be here." She finally picked up on my not-so-subtle hints.


"Right, well if you want this to work, you will have to cooperate. If not then you may be sent to the raft for breaking the conditions of the pardon." She explains.

"Great." Anyone could be able to see the sarcasm practically dripping off my tongue.

"Let's talk about your time in HYDRA." She has her pen ready to write notes at light speed.

"Not much to say." I nonchalantly respond.

"What about when S.H.I.E.L.D found you?" She continues.

"The stopped me from completing an assignment." My face is still emotionless, keeping my awnsers as brief as possible.

"What was the assignment?"

"Doesn't matter because I didn't do it." I watch the clock tick, leaving 15 minutes left.

"You need to talk, I know you don't talk to anyone about what happened there." She persists.

"There's nothing to say."

"Well, in that case the session has finished and I hope to see you talk more next time." She sighs.

I walk out the door without another word, heading back to the tower.

(The Tower)

"Ah, y/n. I've got a suit for you." Tony hands me a black suit, almost like Natasha's, with blood red outlines crossing the fabric. The excessive amount of holsters for my wepons and a utility belt to fit various guns and knifes, which is surprisingly light.

I take it from him, flowing my hands over the material. "Thank you." My fingertips pause at the red outlines and follow them across the body of the suit.

"Red seemed like a colour that suits you." Tony adds.

I press the bloody thoughts out of my head and respond with a polite smile.

"So, how did it go?" Natasha interrupts.

"Just as bad as I thought." I feel the annoyance drift back to me.

"Couldn't have been that bad." Natasha reasons.

"Clearly you haven't met her then." I reply with Bucky lets out a low chuckles, which is the first he's reacted to anything I or Steve has said since the party. But, I don't waste my time thinking about why, I'm not interested in what goes on in his head.

"Suit up everyone. We are going to siberia." Steve walks in, his authoritative tone very much present, avoiding my eyeline.

Why is he avoiding me? Does he know? Did Bucky tell him?

Fear rushed through my veins, like the electricity that used to interrupt my bones. The overwhelming feeling clouds my mind, well what's left of it. Natasha spears me a nervous yet reassuring glance, whereas Bucky didn't even face me as he walked off to get ready.

I shouldn't care really. He has no reason to pay any attention to me. So why do i care?

I started walking to get ready to face my nightmares, my old home, hell.

I need a plan. And fast.

Hey guys, sorry the chapter was short but I actually can not wait for the next one. I'll make it up to you guys. Xx

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