Chapter 11 ~ Games night.

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I ain't worried.

(Y/n pov)

"Oh yeah, y/n Fury has nearly got you a pardon you just need to meet with your lawyer Matt Murdock. Also Fury wants you to start training, with Barnes for now since you have similar strength. Once you have been pardoned then you can come on missions with us. He also said something in our meeting yesterday about once you are a proper avenger you have to tell us the truth so we can trust you? Don't know what that's about." Tony unloaded while on the couch across from me. "Also guys don't forget it's games night tonight!"

A mumble of agreement comes from everyone across the room. None of them particularly seem thrilled but Tony, who is probably looking for an excuse to get drunk.

"What's games night?" I ask trying to change the subject from what Tony just told me from his meeting.

"It's like this night where we all play a game in a tournament style and get drunk." He awnsers like it's the best thing in the world.

Sounds fun I guess.

"The only reason Tony likes it is so he can get drunk!" Natasha laughs and everyone joins in. I look to my lap thinking about what I have missed out on from my time at HYDRA. I laugh awkwardly with them.

I wish I could get drunk and high. Maybe actually have some fun instead of being a numb, cold, assasin who has taken the lives of thousands of people.

"What do we want for dinner tonight? Pizza, tacos, burgers..." Tony questions.

"Ohhh, pizza please Mr. Stark." A young boy with brown hair said while flying onto the couch.

How the hell does he have so much energy?

"Pizza good with everyone?" Tony walks to the phone.

"Ooo, I love pizza. Especially that pineapple, but I still love mac and cheese more." A blonde girl with a heavy Russian accent who just walked in says. "Nat, who's the new girl?"

Why does she look familiar?

"Yelana this is y/n, y/n this is Yelana." Natasha explains.

Yelana.. Yelana Bolova.. Red room...HYDRA.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I introduce playing it off as if I definitely don't know her.

"Hey, why do I feel I recognise you?" She thinks out loud.

Oh no, she knows.

I laugh awkwardly, "I don't know."

She sits down with everyone else. Whilst everyone orders Natasha gets two games of Monopoly out and Yelana gets drinks.

"FRIDAY, tell everyone to come downstairs." Tony says to a type of AI that seems familiar to me but I can't remember where from.

"Of course Mr.Stark." FRIDAY replys.

Many footsteps come trundling down the stairs. Followed by many more groans as they realise what is happening.

"Really Stark?" Bucky complains.

"Yes, Barnes we're doing a tournament of monopoly, two games, top two from each game are in the final game." Tony sasses.

"Lets split up then, Y/n, Natasha, Peter, Thor, Bruce, and Tony on one board. Me, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Yelana, Wanda on the other." Steve commands.

"How do we play?" Bucky asks with a confused expression on his face while sitting around one of the boards.

"How do you not know this Mr.Barnes?" Peter exclaims.

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