The military report didn't alleviate the problematic situation. He must determine if his country should intervene in the affairs of the conflict as being the President of his country is still difficult even before the Ring appearance. And that his country is not very influential or powerful enough to operate such an operation on their own.

"What would happen if we aid the Principality through direct military forces or military assistance?" He asked if the Philippines should deploy their own troops to defend the Quatoynes.

"With our current military strength to dispatch military support by ourselves, we would be inadequate for our military to conduct actual overseas military operation, if without any foreign support from the US or international military aid."

This revealed a problem with his selection. He can send military aid by only the Philippines to the two countries, but the lacking in overseas bases and military strength to effectively on conducting a military operation effectively. Much less military assistance to aid both countries like in the Russo-Ukraine War. Which is  needed large sums of money aid, to continuing to support them.

Their is another optional choice.

He can request an International Task Force for a peacekeeping operation from the UN and use the US relations to help defend their sovereignty and the investments they procured.

But that means he has to open the Ring to the entire world. He can still implement  restrictions to nations that will have access to the Ring. Yet the control of the Ring will be loosening as the New World would be open to the entire world.

"What if we don't aid the two countries? What will happen if the Quatoyne Principality and the Kingdom of Quilia faced the conflict on their own." President Sanchez suggests the neutral route.

"There are outcomes that could occur, if they are lucky, the conflict wouldn't happen for a few years and the two countries industry and economys will be improved by the investments and trade. They would have industrial strength to formed a proper modern army to defend  themselves." The Secretary of Defence assumed the best possible outcome.

"But if the Kingdom of Lourian decided to commenced a invasion on this year or next year. The two countries will embroiled a blood war that both sides will suffered large civilian casualties. But with the growing size of the Lourian military that possibly surpass both countries military, they may overwhelm their military force. At best, they can forced to sign an armistice, if the both countries managed to pushed back the invading force. And at worst, they are both subjugated from the Lourians and the casualties would be devastating for the both factions." He then spoke out the possibility that might happened, but no one could have a perfect predictions.

"That sounds terrible even anywhere you see about it." President Sanchez thought of the public backlash on his image by staying away from a helpless country that could be saved.

It's like the Rwandan Genocide, having the power to stop a blood bath yet, having a political risk that would affect his political party.

"So this is how the European powers experienced when they appeased Hitler by conquering parts of Europe." He muttered out his current situation.

"What is the hypothetical number of casualties if war were to happen"

The advisors then talked each other and looked up at the data they collected on both countries.

"The precise calculation of the countries would be difficult to estimate from several unknown factors that present on the New World. But with the data we gathered from the New World countries, it's rough estimate that the casualties numbers would be ten thousand to couple of million civilian casualties."

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