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"Georg, Gustav!" I rolled my eyes at both of them. They were fighting again, third time today. But to say I'm not used to their fighting would be a lie.

Now they are both glaring at each other, while I was glancing around, with a cigarette in my hand. We are back in Germany - finally. As soon as we landed, Tom told me he wanted to see Nora and apologise to her, because he actually felt bad for not calling her. And Tom is a dick for that, not calling her.

I can only imagine how Nora felt, how heartbroken she was. I can tell she likes my brother, because every time she sees him, her eyes lit up out of joy. The same is for Tom. But they are both too blind to see that.

To be honest, I like old fashion love. I believe the love at first sight, and I do believe in soulmates. But I haven't found one, - not yet. But I hope, one day I will have the girl of my dreams.

When I was done smoking I grabbed my luggages, earning glances from Georg and Gustav. They did the same and I unlocked our apartment door. I pushed it open, and went inside, both of them following me.

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. Sliding my sunglasses off, I placed them down on the side table, and pulled my phone out of my skinny jeans pocket.

No messages from Tom. He didn't say he would text me, but fuck I was worried for him. I hope everything is going just fine, and Tom didn't ruin things more.

I really like Nora, she's sweet and really kind. I think she is really good to my brother -, I know she's good to my brother. But only if they would open their fucking eyes.

Georg and Gustav already were making themselves comfortable on the couch, while I went to the kitchen to get myself some glass of water.

Just then I heard the front door open, and my face fell, when I saw Tom, who wasn't looking very happy.

He took of his shoes and not even sparing me a glance, he ran upstairs, probably to his room.

What the fuck happened?

I placed the glass on the counter and looked at Georg and Gustav, who shrugged their shoulders, and turned their attention to television.

I rolled my eyes and slowly made my way upstairs. Seeing Tom's bedroom door slightly ajar, I pushed it open.

He went out of the bathroom, and when he saw me leaning against the door, he sighed. "She didn't want to talk to me." He mumbled, and sat on his bed. Tom crossed his arms over his chest and sighed, his eyes remaining on the floor.

Am I suprised? No.

Because if I was in Nora's place, I wouldn't talk to him either.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I just simply nodded and walked towards his bed, and sat next to him.

"What should I do now? She doesn't want to talk to me. She hates me Bill." He sighed, and ran his hand over his face. I wanted to help him, but right now Nora needs time and Tom needs to respect her decisions.

"You need to give her time." I said and glanced at him. He was still staring at one spot. His arms were still crossed, as he was in deep thoughts.

I have never in my whole 18 years of living, seen Tom like this. He actually feels something for Nora, and I know it. He just simply doesn't know how to show it. My brother isn't good with expressing his feelings. I'm his brother. Of course I know that.

"I know, but I can't stop thinking about her, and I'm scared that she hates me now." He frowned at his own answer. I would really help him, but I don't know how. I'm not best with this, because I have never met a girl that I would actually like, not just for one night.

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