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Today I woke up around 7am.

To say that I'm a morning person, would be a lie. I always like to sleep until 12pm, or even longer, because I go to sleep really late. But I can't help it, I always have to watch a movie before going to sleep. Yesterday night I was watching "The Notebook", and fell asleep in the middle of it.

Yesterday was actually really fun, Tom helped me in the flower shop for a bit, and after completing orders, we both went for a little walk.

I never imagined myself hanging out with a boy, I never had a boy friend - just Steve but he doesn't count.

Tom is very nice person, and I even forgot he's famous and is in the band. Mostly when we make an eye contact he gets shy and looks away fast, but I know when I'm not looking at him he's staring.

That gets me a little uncomfortable, I don't like when people stare at me, it makes me nervous.

I still don't know what I did to Sophie, she hadn't texted me, nor talked to me since yesterday. She always calls me and asks if I got home safe, but yesterday she didn't.

I feel bad, maybe I did something bad and didn't even notice. But everything was fine in the club, we were dancing and having fun together - like always.

But the fact that she's mad at me, makes me sad. We never fight - never, we always get along. She's like a sister to me that I adore and love dearly.

I don't know what I did to her, but I'm gonna apologise.

Yawning I unplugged my phone from the charger and tapped on the screen to turn it on. When I saw one missed call I rolled my eyes.

Again I tapped on the person who called me, bringing my phone to my ear.

"Good morning sister" When I heard my little sisters voice, my face softened. I missed her voice so much.

"Hi Ally" I replied, smiling.

"Sorry that I called you so early, I just missed you and wanted to hear your voice" Her soft voice spoke.

"I'm okay, I just woke up, but what's up?" I rub my eyes. Allysa haven't called me in a while, but that's because she was at Richard's. He never let's her call me. He once said that I'm a bad influence to Allysa and she needs to stop calling me. But I'm her fucking sister.

"Well I just missed you, life without you is horrible" I hear her sigh and I giggle.

"I'm not dead Ally, I'm still in you're life" I roll my eyes at her dramatic ass.

"But you're not here to hold me Nora, I would do anything to visit you, please, I would listen to you, I wouldn't do anything that pisses you off " She pleaded with her soft voice, almost making me give in.

Allysa always wanted to visit me, actually to live with me. I told her so many times that she can't live with me, because our mom won't let her. I understand my mom, if I would ever have children, which - I'm not planning on, but if I would ever have them, I would never let them live in other country, unless they're 18.

"Allysa, we talked about this" I sigh and then hear her groan.

"Okay, okay, fine" from her changed voice I knew she was sad. "But then please, visit me and Atlas instead" she quickly adds, earning another sigh from me.

"I'll try my best, okay?" I don't want to give her hope, I'm still scared to go back. I'm scared of dad.

"With who are you talking to, daughter?" I hear a voice I avoided the most.

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