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"Nora!" Sophie greets me with a hug, as soon as I open the flower's shop door. I couldn't help but smile and hug her back. I really missed her.

It feels like I haven't talked to her in ages, the last time we ever had a conversation was when I came here with Tom, and she wasn't in the mood. Still don't know why.

"Hey." I close my eyes, and sigh. I don't know about anyone else, but I love hugs so much. But of course, I love Meis's hugs more than anything. Sophie's too.

"You have to tell me everything that had happened these past," she thinks before saying, "I think more than three days?" She asks, talking with herself and I laugh at her, before placing my handbag on the counter.

"Where should I start from." I sigh and walk around the counter. "I met Tom's mom." I blurt out and I see her eyes widen.

"Well that was fast." She mumbles to herself and I shake my head, before placing my phone on the counter.

"I mean, I was at their place, we were watching films and all of us passed out, then in the morning I was woken up by Tom's mom." I quickly say, because I didn't know where to start from, it was a lot to talk about.

"Wait, you said all?" She asks and I nod.

"Remember when they said they had two more friends? Well I met them yesterday." I nod to myself and grab a few notes with orders written in them.

"So you met a whole band?" She says, like she couldn't believe me. I wouldn't believe myself too, and to think they are famous, I still can't believe that.

"That's what I was saying, right?" I sigh and glance around the flower shop, thinking where should I start from, because we had a lot of orders to make.

"Okay, so you met their mom, is there anything else?" She asks again, and I think for a moment, should I tell her about the lake?

"Well, actually no." I lie, I mean I do trust her, with my whole life, but I'm actually scared about the questions she would ask me after I tell her about the lake.

"Plus, I talked with mom." I say our of nowhere and I think she was taken back at the announcement I told her.

"And what about her?" She asks again, walking around the counter and then she stands next to me, placing her palms on the counter.

"Nothing changed, she's still the same."

"Plus I wanted to ask you, I mean if you don't want you, you don't need to answer," I start to talk and glance at her, she nods her head for me to keep going, I sigh and fully turn to her, "what happened when me and Tom walked in the flower shop together? I mean you didn't even talk to me." I lick my lips and look at her, while she avoids looking at me.

"Nothing really, just-," she starts with a little sigh, and finally looks at me, "Enzo." She finishes and I look at her confused.

"Enzo?" I ask and she nods, before turning away and walking towards the roses.

"That day when you came with Tom, I was really pissed, you have no idea. Enzo and I broke up again, and he just packed his things and left." She finally says to me, and I feel my heart break for her.

Enzo likes for 'one night' thing, he always makes Sophie think that he's in love with her or something, and she actually believes, it's not the first time they have ever broken up. It has to be at least five times now.

He is just using her, he's using her kindness and money, because when they make up again, he moves with her again. And when they break up, no one knows where he goes.

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