Chapter 15: "𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑓 𝑈𝑠?"

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"I wanted to hear how you guys are. It's been a while."

"You mean Vernon? Yeah, he's doing fine."

Olivia nods her head, not knowing what to say next. She really should have thought this through.

"Then... can you tell Vernon I said hi and that I miss him."

The look on Laurence's face tells Olivia that what she said had not pleased him.

"Why would I tell him that?" He asks, his voice incredulous. "Olivia, do you realize the damage you caused?"

Olivia stares at the ground, not knowing what to say.

"It's fine that you don't like Vernon, but making him feel like shit was not the way to go. Do you know what he looked like when he told me? He was wrecked! At first, I assumed it was because you said no, but he told me what you said verbatim. How could you be so heartless?"

Olivia keeps her head down, biting her lip to stop herself from crying.

"I don't hold it against you that you don't like him, but the way you went about it. I don't believe you have the right to ask him how he is. Just leave him alone."

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"The damage is done. It's best you maintain your distance from now on. Vernon looks as if he's okay, but deep down, he's still hurting."

Olivia nods and quickly wipes a stray tear. "Let me leave before he gets here then. I don't want to upset him."

"I know you care for him. Maybe more than you think. Fix whatever is bothering you first before you try it with Vernon. Something tells me you weren't honest about your feelings."
Olivia shares a confused look, and Laurence shakes his head in response.

"He's coming over now. You better go."

Olivia quickly runs out the gate, and Laurence calls over to his friend, smiling widely.

"What did coach want?" He asks, throwing his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"The usual. Nothing serious."

Laurence nods, and the two make they're way out the gate and head for home.

Two more weeks pass with no interaction between the two. Vernon seems to be properly healing now as his heart no longer feels as heavy as it did weeks ago. Despite having some sort of feelings left for Olivia, it doesn't bother him much when they bump into each other or make eye contact.

Maybe he's ready to move on.

Olivia is once again staring at the boy across the hallway. Her arms cross, lip bitten in thought. Today, Vernon looked different. He had a new hairstyle. A buzzcut that Olivia obviously found looking good on him.

Her heart starts beating as she immediately snaps out of her trance.

What the hell was that?

"He looks good, doesn't he?" Her friend whispers, smiling in satisfaction for catching her friend.


"Vernon." She says, using her chin to point at him.

"It is said that a heartbreak will push someone to glow up. Not that Vernon needed one anyway. He's always been hot." Another says.

Olivia's neck snaps to the direction of her friend, a scowl on her face. A bitter feeling filled her stomach as she continued staring at her.

"What did you say?"

"A heartbreak will cause someone to glow up?" She repeats, confused.

Olivia shakes her head. "After that. About Vernon."

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