exchange 1.8

129 7 1

You followed Zuko to the corner of your cell, both of you making sure you were out of the line of sight of other prisoners.

After double checking that there was no odd energy directed your way, Zuko grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt with two hands and lifted it over his head.

He handed it to you, nonchalant about his exposed chest.

Warm shirt in hand, you turned around, quickly slipping your shirt off.

Zuko turned around right then, not quick enough to avoid catching a glance of your bare back, the lines of your waist.

He was not expecting you to change so immediately. But you had already gotten used to the lack of privacy in prison.

As you pulled his shirt over your head, you immediately caught a musky scent mixed with something that reminded you of being outside.

You inhaled softly to smell it again, confirming that scent was truly there. Was it a scent that could only be cultivated by being close to trees and grass, being hit by fresh air.

Or maybe you were growing insane after spending months in prison. It could've been the scent of a relatively new prison shirt.

"Here," You handed him your ripped shirt.

Zuko took it.

"Thanks." Your tone accidentally sounding too assertive. Maybe it was a reflection of your inner fight; to trust or not to trust.

There was no reason for anyone to be kind or helpful to anyone.

This was a prison with one way in and no way out.

Everyone was meant to rot within it.

"Outside!" The grand Class 1 door opened.


"Hm, how did your shirt rip?" Sokka asked Zuko.

"Long story." Zuko didn't want to get into it.

"Anyway, Suki, Zuko. Zuko, Suki." Sokka introduced the two, anticipating their interaction.

"We've met before." Suki glared at the banished prince.

"Um, we have?" Zuko couldn't recall.

"Yeah, you kinda burned down my village." Suki retorted.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that..." Zuko was internally kicking his younger self, regretting how small his world view was back then.

"I know, I know. But he's changed now." Sokka wanted to get back on track.

They were all outdoors in the courtyard, crouched behind a staircase while prisoners of all classes were breaking up pieces of coal with mallets.

Only after they finished doing the Fire Nation's dirty work, they could eat lunch.

"Okay, so here's the plan." Sokka went on to explain the logistics of the cooler.

"Escape?" A Class 3 prisoner overheard their plan.

As they all turned to the stranger, they couldn't hide their hesitance and annoyance.

"I'm Chit Sang." He introduced himself. "I can get you into the cooler."

"Alright." Sokka rolled with the punches. "Looks like escaping tonight was in the cards for us."


"Hey! You!" Chit Sang reacted to Zuko bumping into him.

"Watch where you're going buddy." Chit Sang shoved him.

As Zuko let out a fist of fire, the guards immediately restrained him.

You watched, heart beating out of your chest.

Maybe his temper was too uncontrollable and you couldn't trust him to escape.

As the guards dragged him away, you hoped that he would be placed in the cooler.

boiling rock (zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now