cellmate 1.3

180 8 1

A persistently, long summer's day, something you first felt when traveling around the Earth Kingdom.

Taking in the scenic sight of the sunset between distant mountains and trees, you closed your eyes and appreciated the warmth of sunlight on your skin. The comfort it brought you.

You bathed in the sun, the lulling calm after the storm.

With clear clicks against metal, you were immediately awake, eyes wide open and slightly panicked.

"..." You first noticed you had a new roommate. He was still sleeping, hair over his eyes.

He must've been new to prison, given that he was sleeping through the sound of a guard's footsteps.

"C1 D8..?" A voice muttered from outside before the rectangular peep hole slipped open. A pair of blue eyes peeped in before the cell door was unlocked a cracked open.

"Oh, uh.. morning to you.. prisoner..." An awkward guard greeted you, acting as if he was not expecting to see you.

"Uhh," The guard pointed at your cell mate. "I'm here for Z— that bastard!"

"You better be." You muttered under your breath. Knowing when to put up a tough front was important.

You laid back down on your bed, shutting your eyes to avoid any more engagement with the guard.

Though your eyes were closed, you were listening very closely to every sound the guard made.

"What do you want from me?" Your cell mate appeared to be awake.

"I wanted to uh.. check up.. on.. you." The guard smiled nervously through his helmet, lifting his metal plate over his eyes for a second. "Warden's orders!"

"Well, I'm fine." Your cell mate awkwardly replied back at him. "Thank.. you..?"

"And you um... are you getting along with your cell.. partner?" The guard was clearly struggling with what to say.

"I— um, everything is fine." Zuko replied.

"Greaat.." The guard chuckled sheepishly. "Okay, off to... manage these prisoners!"

When the guard tiptoed out of your cell, you immediately turned to your cell mate, observing him.

A boy about my age. A scar on his face, seems to have been there for a while. He looks Fire Nation.

Most likely colonial resistance.. Maybe the factory rebellion?

Wait he's young... refused army draft? No that's no reason to be in Class 1.

Supported "the enemy?" Maybe assisted Earth Kingdom colonies? Obstructed fleets? Leaked battle plans or weaponry blueprints?

Hm, but what does the scar mean?

"Where's your tag?" You asked him up front.

"My tag?" Your cellmate asked.

"You really are new." You realized.

Oftentimes, people in lower classes moved up if they were deemed more dangerous. Prisoners who were place in Class 1 off the bat were the real deal.

You knew you had to be on guard.

"What is that?" He faced you, sitting on his bed with his back against the wall.

"This." You showed him a metal band around your wrist, like an unremovable bracelet. "Name, cell number, place of origin, and bending ability."

"Oh," He squinted to read yours, assuming it was customary for prisoners to show each other their tags. "(first 2 letters of your name)..."

Before he could complete your name, you pulled your wrist away.

"What are you in for?" You deemed it safe to ask him up front.

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