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i admit that i'm a 'lil messed up

needy | ariana grande
02:38 ───────────●───── 02:51


The rest of the gaang had gone into the city, leaving Vivi back at camp all by herself.

She had begun to prepare some food for Appa to eat when she heard a messenger hawk screech.

Vivi lifted her chin and raised her right eyebrow, the hawk landing right in front of her.

The hawk stared at her, taking a step forward and wagging its tail. Vivi looked around and furrowed her eyebrows until she noticed the hawk had something strapped onto its back.

She slowly reached over and opened the case, pulling out a sheet of paper.

She unrolled it her eyes shifting from left to right as she read,


I truly hope you're okay. Ever since that night, I've thought about you every single day. You're on my mind all the time, I can't get you out of my head. Wondering if you've eaten, if you're sleeping well, if you're smiling.

Every single night I've lied awake, barely able to get any sleep because the guilt of what I did to you and my uncle keeps haunting me. I am so so sorry for what I did to you and to the Earth Kingdom.

I thought I wanted my honor back, but all I ever truly wanted was for my father to love me. To accept me.

But now that I'm here, and that I have it, it's nothing like I imagined it would be. I still don't feel accepted, or loved. Back in Ba Sing Se, that was the happiest I had felt in my entire life. Those two months we spent together were like none other, and in that short amount of time I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.

I miss your smile, your laugh, your presence. I felt so safe when I was with you.

You were one of the only people who truly cared about me and I let you down. It's my biggest regret, and now I don't know what to do. How do I escape?

Please Vivi, I'm so so sorry. I really need your help.

If you can, please meet me at Azulon Lake, exactly three weeks after you receive this letter.

I love you. I really do.


Vivi stared at the letter, with her eyes and hands frozen. She glared down at the letter, an angry expression written all over her face. She then lifted her eyes, looking around the camp to make sure no one was around her.

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