chapter 14

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I watched as the ship that once held me captive burned and sank to the bottom of the ocean. I wanted to feel remorse for the men who died under Lance's control but I hardly had the energy to do so. I was fairly exhausted after everything that happened.

The storm Had dispersed, leaving little more than a blanket of rain clouds in the sky around us. I always enjoyed the rain back home, even when there were thunderstorms that shook the walls I took comfort in the smell, the white noise, and even the feeling of raindrops kissing my skin.

It's a strange feeling when something with no heartbeat, something that does not breathe or even feel, comforts you more than another human being ever could.

"Violet?" I was snapped out of my trance by a soft voice and turned my head to look at Johnny who was standing beside me. He looked completely normal and healthy, just as he had before.

I feared seeing them again because I knew the only way I could would be as bodies floating in the ocean. I could hardly imagine seeing the young boy, floating lifeless and pale in the water.

But like a dream, here he was once again, full of life and innocence. Untouched by death or decay. He continued to breathe and move as if nothing happened.

He seemed worried and I could only assume it was due to the mark on my face. Instinctively I covered the bruise with my hand trying to hide it from him. I'm sure he's seen plenty of violence, more than I have ever witnessed, unfold right before his eyes. But I still tried to retain his innocence.

He grabbed my free hand before gently pulling me along to follow him. "Come on, I'll make you a warm bath!" He urged, leading me back towards Ace's cabin.

I couldn't stop my gaze from wandering up to the quarterdeck where he stood, steering the ship. I wasn't sure how I felt about everything that happened. So much happened... I think I was perhaps in shock.

Johnny took me inside and started preparing a bath for me. I think he was trying to cheer me up and help me relax while Ace was busy taking care of things.

I was still sore from the beating I took so I didn't deny his attempts and simply sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting.

"Are you hungry?! I can ask the chef to make you a warm dinner if you'd like!" Johnny asked as he poured the last of the water into the tub.

"n-no I'm fine..." was about all I could muster in response. I hardly understood what was wrong or why everything around me felt so far away. Including the people I cared about.

Johnny seemed upset and anxious but kept his mouth shut. No doubt under Ace's orders. He knew I had questions and knew he needed to be the one to answer them. That's the only reason I had yet to say anything.

When he came to my rescue he told Johnny to take me back to the ship. I protested at first but quickly stopped as Ace said he'd explain everything later. Ace and his crew tore the ship apart and tortured Lance until he stopped screaming.

When they were done, they returned to the ship, detached themselves from the other vessel, and sailed off like everything was normal.

Glancing around at the candles in the room, they were all still burning in that eerie blue color.

"well... if you need anything I'll be right outside! Just call for me!" Johnny said before leaving me alone in the cabin.

Sighing I stood up and did my best to remove the gown I wore. Wincing each time my sore body ached. Slipping into the tub I relaxed as the warm water ebbed away at the chill in my bones and the pain in my abdomen.

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