chapter 9

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"Didn't I tell you not to touch things that aren't yours?"

At a loss for words, I looked between Ace, the pendant, and even the open window. "I-i was just looking..."

He stared at me for a long moment with an unreadable expression before turning away to step over To the window. He closed it up before opening a drawer in his desk and gently setting the locket inside before closing it up.

He had to have seen the candles change and heard the locket as he opened the door. And just like the night before everything seemed to suddenly stop as he became aware, meaning that I wasn't just drunkenly seeing things!

"Ace, what was that?" He turned his head to look at me as I sat in the tub a bit frightened by the strange occurances.

"the strange figure in the window, the candles changing colors! You had to have seen it!"

He didn't say a word and merely sighed before taking off his coat and boots. "it was just the ship, no need to worry."

As he set his things aside he started stepping towards me while untying his shirt. Was he really just going to keep denying it after I just witnessed it happen again?!

"ships don't that!" I said a bit exasperated.

"mind if I join? I could use a bath." He said while pulling his shirt off in front of me.

"Why are you avoiding the question!? You clearly know about it!" As he removed the last of his clothes He stepped into the tub and sat behind me, getting comfortable and leaning against the side with a sigh.

"I answered your question, what more do you want?" He said nonchalantly.

On top of my anxiety I couldn't help but feel annoyed by his avoidance on the subject, what was he hiding?!

"you didn't answer anything you said. It's just the ship that, it's old and makes weird noises, that doesn't explain the candles or the strange figure I saw in the window! I want a real answer!"

Ace merely watched me with that same unreadable expression on his face as he scratched the back of his head. "And what would you do with such knowledge if I did tell you?"

This took me by surprise. "W-what?"

"What would you do if I told you what you saw was real? run away? jump in the sea? Go back home?"

"N-no! I just..."

He eyed me for a moment as if contemplating something. "you wanted to escape, to run away from home and get away from your family...that's why you tried to gamble with me and inevitably lost, am I right?"

I looked up at him surprised by this information. I hadn't talked to him in detail about my family or situation. Did Johnny tell him?

"I gathered as much when you were drunk that night. When I attempted to return you home you refused. I did not wish to leave you on the streets for some other fiend to do something so I brought you to my ship. You briefly mentioned That was your goal, to get on a ship. I didn't bother to ask why since it wasn't my business. That was just what I assumed... after hearing what you told Johnny it seemed my hunch was correct."

Immediately, guilt washed over me as I realized what he was getting at. He brought me on board his ship out of kindness not for the debt I owed him, he never questioned me about my situation. He made things simple for me and has been keeping me safe all this time.

Looking away ashamed, I sank into the water. "I didn't mean to pry...I was just scared."

He hummed before reaching over and pulling me closer to where I was sitting between his legs and leaned back against his chest.

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