chapter 8

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(A/N I don't usually put a note at the start, but I'm gonna because I'm rly happy!!!!!! This book is number 1 in the #teamrocket tag!!!!!! Soo suprise at the end!)
After getting in their disguises (pre picked by Jessie, obviously)

(Ash. Drawn by me. I took inspiration for his clothes from AnabellaRuiz3 happened to comment something about 'ashley' ash's female persona, so I thought, why not!)

(James also done by me. I designed his clothes myself. I'd have given it more details, but I was tired)

(Jessie by red-diamond89 on deviant art
I couldn't do her hairrrrr)

After their plane had landed in sinnoh. The family of three humans and two pokemon decided to head straight to the meet-up spot at Lake Valour. As they left, Sunnyshore City ash noticed something..... a missing poster.... with him on it.... "Guys, look," Ash whispered. "I'm on missing posters! Giovanni clearly wants me really bad, but idk why? He tried to kill me!" Sadness filled the former team rocket members as they remember Ash and Giovannis gym fight. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, a bluenette cried, putting missing posters up of the boy she considered her brother

As they reached the entrance to Lake Valour, Ash paused. "Wait, the legendarys are gonna see me like this! I can't be in a dress. I look like an idiot-" Ash was cut off by Jessie cloncking him round the head."You look adorable! I love those clothes I bought you! So shush, I'm the fashonista, and I say you're adorable!" Everyone laughed, and they continued on. After reaching the cave where azelf lives (i think? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I will fix it)

The five made it into the cave, not only seeing Azelf but Mespirit and Uxie. "Hello Ash.... and team rocket.... damn the rumours are true. Oh, well. Hoopa left a hoop for us. Come through arceus is waiting for you. " Azelf spoke regaly before bursting into laughter."Oh my arceus, I can't do this with a straight face like Palkia asked me to." When this was said, the air lightened, and everyone laughed whilst going through the portal

Driving in a brightly light hall, the humans started to look around with amaze at how regal it looked. Well, except for Ash, he recognised the area from the last time he was here. He was about to share this knowledge when a figure stepped out of the darkness. "Hello, my chosen one and his new family," Arceus spoke. The comment about them being family was ignored. "Excuse me, but why did you want to see me? Is there another crisis again? I can help if you want, " Ash asked politely.
"No, that isn't why I called for you. We actually wanted to speak to you about what happened after you left palett Town, we agree that you need to know. Please take a seat," a table and 6 chairs appeared. One being Arceus sized. Ash and the others took a seat

"Ash, some of those humans that you call your friends have been celebrating your disappearance. Some are going as far as to thank Hunter J for what she did, although some are out looking for you. They are your true friends, and you should find them as they can - and will - assist in your revenge," Arceus solemnly stated. Jessie, James, and Meowth were enraged, Ash, however, looked distant. "Who?" He said quietly. Arceus frowned. "You want to know who lied about being friends with you?" Ash nodded."OK then, those that betrayed you go by the names of Brock, Misty, May, Iris, Cillian, Serena, and Clemont, those who are your real friends are, Garry, Max, Dawn and Bonnie" Ash's expression turned to that of sadness "thank you Arceus, if you need help with anything come find me," he said whilst smiling grateful for this information.

Arceus smiled. "That reminds me. I have something for you!" He exclaimed, then floated an arcphone over to him."It works like a rotom phon, but me and the otherlegendaries and mythicals can call you for help if needed, and you can call us! It can also disguise itself as a normal phone!" Arceus finished speaking, and Ash thanked him profusely. "Oh, and by the way, we really don't care what you wear. Plus, your outfit suits you!" Arceus added, knowing about Ash's mini panic attack from nearly an hour ago. "That's practically what I told him!" Jessie shouted excitedly."See! I told you!" Ash blushed with embarrassment from the compliments

A few hours later, after arceus had given them an all you can eat buffet and ash had eaten twice his body weight (cause who wouldn't?), the 5 had finally arrived in their hotel room " I'm going to bed" meowth said whilst yawning and went on the sofa "yeah me too" James said whilst going into the smallest of the three bedrooms

"Yes! Perfect!" Jesse giggled."Come with me," she said, dragging Ash to her room. Once in the room, "we are gonna watch mean girls! It's my favourite, but James keeps turning it off to watch bluey!" Ash looked confused."The kids show with the canine pokemon,?" He asked, causing Jessie to nod

Luoi534, here you're gonna get chapter 9 before the 31st! I'm also going to create a YouTube account and animate this as a thank you!
Edit: I added the art as I was stupid and forgot

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