chapter 1

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Ash hopped off of the plane in Cerulean City on his shoulder, sat his yellow rat known as pikachu, who just happened to be wearing his trainers cap. "Science is amazing, isn't it buddy?" The forever 10 year old beamed. This question was followed by "pika pikachu pi," signalling pikachu's response. "We best head to pallet though mum might be worried! I wonder what delayed our flight by a day and why we couldn't go to veridian airport.. doesn't matter anymore? " Ash questioned.  He set off for the bus stop, eager to eat his mums cooking once more. "Hey, pikachu! Race ya!" Ash exclaimed after putting pikachu on the ground. "Pika! Pi, " pikachu said, showing he was up for a race. Ash and pikachu bolted towards the bus stop

*Timeskip to when they are on the bus*

There were only 3 other people on the bus, or was it two people and a pokemon? 'Oh well,' thought Ash, who then went and ploped down on a seat towards the front. The journey to viridian City was really bleak. Though the 3 at the back kept whispering to each other, and as hard as he tried, Ash couldn't make out much of what they were saying he kept hearing "palett town...proffessor oak..... veridian gym.. ". Ash shrugged this off as them being tourists as they were looking at a map of kanto. Ash felt the bus stop when he looked out of the window he realised this was his stop. It was just a 5 minute walk to palet town from veridian bus station. Even though he was still severely jetlagged ash, asked pikachu, "Hey buddy, wanna race home last one has to weed the garden??" Pikachu didn't reply, so Ash turned his head to look at his best friend only to realise the small pokemon was asleep. Ash just smiled and walked home

*timeskip now he's just outside their house (pikachu is awake now, btw)*


Walking in the house through the open door, Ash shouted, "MUM IM HOME!!". There was no response. 'Weird,' he thought. Pikachu jumped down from Ash's shoulder to get a bottle of ketchup from the kitchen. Ash let out a laugh "pikachu you can't open the fridge! I have to get some ketchup for you!" Pikachu sulked as he ran into the kitchen. (TRIGGER WARNING, proceed with caution) "PI PIKA PIKA PIKA!!" pikachu screamed. Worried about pikachu ash ran faster than he had ever run. To find his mother mutilated on the floor. Next to her, a message was written in her blood <Hunter J was here>. Ash ran to pikachu and burst out crying, and ran out of the house to Proffessor Oak's lab only to find the pokemon and the proffessor missing.

*an hour after he'd gone around all the houses to find everyone missing or dead as well as after Officer jenny had been and claimed she couldn't do anything *

Ash sat outside crying with pikachu. Officer jenny had said she'd send CPS to come get him, and he'd have to stay where he was so they could find him. There was a rustle and out from the bushes a certain trio popped out

"Hey twerp, what's wrong," the team rocket members said in unison. "GO AWAY! I'm not in the mood to deal with you trying to steal pikachu. He is all I have left!" Ash screamed at them."whoa whoa twerp what do ya mean!? Don't ya have a mother!?" Meowth asked, confused. "No..... sh.she .d.d.died, " Ash cried. "Oh. Poor twer- no no your Ash.  Look, I know you don't like us and I get that but you realy need some company right now so is it OK if we stay?" Jessie asked quietly.  "I I guess"

OK that's the end of chapter 1! This story was inspired by @absent_chat on YouTube. This is my first story so thanks for reading it. Criticism is welcome. I feel bad about what i  made happen to Delia, but I couldn't think of anything else!

adopted into Team Rocket!? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें