chapter 2

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"I I guess,"

(After half an hour of cheering ash up )
"Hey twerp, I just thought, why didn't many of the other twerps and twerpettes stay with you for more than one journey across a region?" Meowth asked."I mean, technically we did, and we weren't even your friends," This was followed by a "ohhh yeah!" From Jessie and James.
Ash looked at them and smiled. "I guess that means you guys have known me the longest!"Then he laughed."Huh. It's funny how you followed me around to take pikachu for longer than any of my friends did over my entire journey. " James looked distraught,"Ash... that's not a good thing. You know that, right?" Wabufett then nodded with agreement. "Hey twerp? I just had a thought since you have been waiting for CPS for over an hour, mostly on your own. Do you want to come live with us? It's kinda a stupid question, but I'd feel bad leaving you here, I dunno how the police thought leaving a 10 year old unsupervised would be good. "Jessie practically yelled in excitement
Ash looked shocked for a second, then asked, "I guess but would I have to join Team Rocket?" Jessie smiled and shook her head."We were actually thinking of quitting team rocket, they pay really bad plus we have better ideas for jobs"

Meowth cautiously announced "Hey we might wanna get ya stuff. A CPS car just turned in. " Everyone turned their heads to look. Then, looked at each other. "FU -" James started. "No, this is a kids show no swearing," Meowth shouted. Ash laughed a little, then said, "we best go get my stuff."

*after that*

Running high speed from CPS was NOT something Ash thought he'd ever be doing, but when an officer saw him leaving his house with all of his stuff accompanied by 3 wanted criminals... you can't blame the guy for believing he was being kidnapped! Back to the situation at hand. Team rockets Meowth balloon in sight, the 3 people and 2 pokemon sighed in relief. Quickly, they got in the balloon when the team rocket communicator went off. "We quit. Why are they calling us?" Jessie asked, confused. "It's OK. You can answer if you want. I will stand over here out of the way," Ash said. then the communicator auto answerd. On the holographic screen appeared giovanni "look I know you quit but everyone is busy and this is an emergency" he said in a panicked tone "I don't even know why we still have the communicator so your lucky tell us what it is you want and MAYBE we will help" James and Jessie shouted at the same time. " i just got a call from veridian City police telling me my ex has died and my son was kidnapped by two hooded criminals, I want help finding him and I will pay you as much as you want" he said rather upsetedly. meowth claimed, "We dunno what he looks like how would we even find him." Jessie and James nodded along with what meowth said. "You're right, my son Is Ash ketchum the second placer in the kalos cup," explained. "I'm sorry. WHAT." Meowth, Jessie, james and Ash shouted. "WHO ELSE IS THERE WITH YOU!" giovanni screamed. All three former team rocket members looked to ash. "Do you want us to say??" Jessie asked sadly....
(To be continued)

Hi Luoi534, here sorry about the wait. I had tests and tones of homework to do. I do hope your enjoying this story so far! ALSO criticism is welcome as this is my first story

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