chapter 3

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All three former team rocket members looked to ash. "Do you want us to say??" Jessie asked sadly....

Ash shook his head. Jessie then smiled understandably. "OK then twerp," then all 3 team rocket members turned and looked at the holograph. "You heard the kid ,bos- giovani, he doesn't want you to know,"James said . Then, they threw the communicator off the balloon. The communicator fell 50 kilometres to the ground, then shattered. "Well, that's that," laughed meowth

* Timeskip 4 and a half hours later*

*this is where I'd like them to live, btw*

*this is where I'd like them to live, btw*

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Ash smiled. He had just finished setting up his new room when he realised something. If he was going to stay with his three friends, he would have to give up on his dream. After all, it's not like a missing person could just stroll up to a pokemon League registration desk and ask to compete in the league! He decided to ask pikachu what he thought. *Ash has aura so he can understand pikachu ( I only just remembered this! // is translated pokespeak).* "Hey, pikachu, I just realised we can't be pokemon masters anymore, so I wanted to ask what you think we should do?" Pikachu looked shocked. //I don't know. Definitely not contests, though, as the coordinators stare at me, its so creepy// ash chuckled, then sat on his bed and looked at his poketch and saw it was 10pm "Jeez, it's late, pikachu. we gotta sleep. we don't know what we are doing tomorrow!" Ash then got up and got ready for bed.

*2 hours later (last timeskip for this chapter)*

Ash had been tossing and turning, unable to sleep as whenever he closed his eyes, he kept seeing the scene of his mother's dead body. Ash finally admitted defeat and realised he wasn't going to sleep. The 10 year old sat up and thought of many things such as 'I wonder if any of my friends are worried' and 'giovanni is apparently my dad, I wonder what my life would have been like if he hadn't left'. It was now that he decided what he wanted to do. No. It was what he needed to do

He had to get revenge. He had to find the missing residents of palett town and, more importantly, rescue his pokemon

HI Luoi534 here! First up, I have to say thank you to
Thank you all for voting for my story. The next thing is I need a writing schedule, so I will try to post before the 20th of each month, and depending on how quick I write my chapters, there could be a chapter released before the end of the month

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